[Wsssc] FW: Consolidated RFP Ratings Sheet

Edith Abbenhaus eabbenhaus at sbctc.edu
Thu May 16 15:03:55 PDT 2024

From: Hayden, Ruby (She/Her) <Ruby.Hayden at lwtech.edu>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 12:32 PM
To: wsssc <wsssc-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: FW: Consolidated RFP Ratings Sheet


Please note: My working hours may not match your working hours. Please prioritize work/life balance and only reply to this email during your working hours.

Ruby Hayden, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Services
My pronouns: she/her

Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Student Services  |  West 213C
11605 132nd Avenue NE  |  Kirkland, WA 98034
T: (425) 739-8208  |  ruby.hayden at lwtech.edu<mailto:ruby.hayden at lwtech.edu>
www.LWTech.edu<http://www.lwtech.edu/>  |  facebook.com/theLWTech
[A blue and white sign that says LWTech voted Best Trade/Technical School in the Northwest by Seattle Times Readers.   Also includes a round image on the left of the sign that says the same.]<http://www.lwtech.edu/>

From: Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 2:29 PM
To: Hayden, Ruby (She/Her) <Ruby.Hayden at lwtech.edu<mailto:Ruby.Hayden at lwtech.edu>>
Subject: FW: Consolidated RFP Ratings Sheet

EXTERNAL SENDER: Use caution with links and attachments message13

Lauren Hibbs, Ed.D
Director, Student Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
lhibbs at sbctc.edu*<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu*> o: 360-704-4334 *
sbctc.edu<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.sbctc.edu%2f&c=E,1,K5xe3CP62uFR593maluQfGMsIv_JRJ03mtdNKhxFh1r6D9a1HtDg_twIy4VeCPRzxLPBZfZsSB19gAOPeKzQ91_o-gTysmlOSq-Hi3PKLkWA1lc,&typo=1> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision:

"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

From: Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 11:22 AM
To: Sara Thompson Tweedy (sarat at bigbend.edu<mailto:sarat at bigbend.edu>) <SaraT at bigbend.edu<mailto:SaraT at bigbend.edu>>; Matthew Campbell <mcampbell at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:mcampbell at pierce.ctc.edu>>; Monica Wilson <mwilson at sbctc.edu<mailto:mwilson at sbctc.edu>>; Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu>>; Abraham Rocha <arocha at sbctc.edu<mailto:arocha at sbctc.edu>>; briley at wvc.edu<mailto:briley at wvc.edu>; Rip Heminway <rheminway at spscc.edu<mailto:rheminway at spscc.edu>>; Hayden, Ruby <ruby.hayden at lwtech.edu<mailto:ruby.hayden at lwtech.edu>>; Karl Smith <ksmith at tacomacc.edu<mailto:ksmith at tacomacc.edu>>; oibrahim at rtc.edu<mailto:oibrahim at rtc.edu>; Jenny (Park) Wheeler <jwheeler at greenriver.edu<mailto:jwheeler at greenriver.edu>>; Tracy Dahl <tracy.dahl at centralia.edu<mailto:tracy.dahl at centralia.edu>>; kristen.duede at wwcc.edu<mailto:kristen.duede at wwcc.edu>; mfuzie at yvcc.edu<mailto:mfuzie at yvcc.edu>; Lee, Michael <mlee at columbiabasin.edu<mailto:mlee at columbiabasin.edu>>; Wang-Wolf, Xuan <xwang-wolf at olympic.edu<mailto:xwang-wolf at olympic.edu>>; roy.caligan at scc.spokane.edu<mailto:roy.caligan at scc.spokane.edu>; Daniels, Patricia <pdaniels at highline.edu<mailto:pdaniels at highline.edu>>; cleaker at everettcc.edu<mailto:cleaker at everettcc.edu>; Kenn Nied <knied at sbctc.edu<mailto:knied at sbctc.edu>>; Lucas Myers <lmyers at lowercolumbia.edu<mailto:lmyers at lowercolumbia.edu>>; dhayman at olympic.edu<mailto:dhayman at olympic.edu>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu<mailto:jhammer at sbctc.edu>>; Michael Brown <mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>>; Vicki Walton <vwalton at sbctc.edu<mailto:vwalton at sbctc.edu>>
Cc: Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: Consolidated RFP Ratings Sheet

Good afternoon,

The co-chairs have reviewed each of the submitted worksheets and write to provide an update regarding a Consolidated RFP Rating sheet. Attached, you will find the document containing the ratings, which chairs worked on to reduce redundancy. They noticed that while there are numerous close duplicates, there are also nuanced differences between them. In an effort to streamline the process, they combined some of the duplicates, although were cautious not to take too many liberties in doing so.

At today's meeting,  we will allocate a section of time and collectively go through all the features within that category. By doing so, we can determine whether similar features should be considered as "the same," and ultimately, come to a consensus on a joint priority rating. Please take a moment to review the attached Consolidated RFP Rating sheet and let us know your thoughts during today's session. Your feedback and input are greatly appreciated.

4/29/2024 AGENDA
Today will be a shorted meeting from 2:30-3:30pm

Debrief WACTC Conversation
*       About 13 colleges raised their hands in the straw poll who would definitely be "at the pool".
*       Discussion evolved into the feasibility of conducting an RFI first so that we can develop clarity on what vendors are capable of doing.
*       Financing Options were touched on
o   All colleges pay something
?  Flat "no" from multiple colleges
o   Colleges who participate foot the cost and SBCTC prioritizes supporting those colleges and the "system-chosen" tool

 Review Colorado's RFP (see attached - as time permits)
*       Pay particular attention to Pages 17-37

Consolidated Rating Tool
*       Review consolidated rubric: collectively go through all the features within that category. By doing so, we can determine whether similar features should be considered as "the same," and ultimately, come to a consensus on a joint priority rating.
*       Identify Level 1 priorities.

Lauren Hibbs, Ed.D
Director, Student Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
lhibbs at sbctc.edu*<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu%1a> o: 360-704-4334 *
sbctc.edu<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.sbctc.edu%2f&c=E,1,z-EB96L4YGESydI5Jv0X758K5hjF6JM2LakH4ppojh-IlSdSEAGPe-qjlmo6DTCmrYeCrF-wA0iCbfPbh2JVIFYd32CXUPcd3_KpGzn1Dw,,&typo=1> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision:

"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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