[Wsssc] FW: Slide deck and resources

Claire Peinado Claire.Peinado at skagit.edu
Thu May 16 14:48:23 PDT 2024

Hi All,

Here’s the slide deck from Sophia Agtarap’s presentation on SB 5227 and other DEI guidance.


From: Sophia Agtarap <sagtarap at sbctc.edu>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 1:25 PM
To: Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu>; Claire Peinado <Claire.Peinado at skagit.edu>
Subject: Slide deck and resources

Resources as promised 🙂

As I offered we are happy to get together with folks to strategize and also, I'll plan on working on some guidance documents, rubrics, frameworks for folks to use or build off of. I can prioritize that next week.

Thank you again for the invitation and am happy to continue joining y'all.

[https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/docx_16x16.png]SBCTC EDI helpful links for CTCs.docx<https://sbctcedu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/sagtarap_sbctc_edu/EWK3ZjwK-DlCvw159paN0noB_xUFNOc7mtbwz0pOnWHwsA?e=kFNef2>

  Sophia Kristina R. Agtarap (she/siya)

  Director, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

  Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Book time to meet with me<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/428a9a0a3cb14afe82036360d2d894a8@sbctc.edu?anonymous&ep=signature>

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