[Wsssc] Shared Courses in ctcLink

Lauren Hibbs lhibbs at sbctc.edu
Tue May 7 16:47:56 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

SBCTC is committed to leveraging systemwide tools to increase student success. As the landscape for learning continues to evolve and online learning is on the rise, our colleges have an opportunity to coordinate resources to support student enrollment through Shared Course initiatives.

SBCTC Educational Technology and Open Education has been partnering with several programs over the years to offer shared courses, including:

  *   Early Childhood Education
  *   Homeland Security
  *   Emergency Management

We are committed to expanding shared course opportunities for our community and technical colleges and will soon be implementing an RFP taskforce for a Shared Course Tool with two-way ctcLink integration. We look forward to providing more information on this soon. In the meantime, we have collaborated with SBCTC's Information Technology Division to identify fit-gap measures colleges can currently leverage to help streamline Shared Course initiatives in ctcLink and Canvas systems.

What does "Shared Courses" mean?

  *   Shared Course - A method of coding equivalent classes in ctcLink to allow students from multiple institutions to be taught by one instructor. Students will enroll in the shared class at their institution, although another institution may employ the instructor.
  *   Enrolling College - Institution that schedules/offers a shared class but does not employ the instructor.
  *   Teaching College (Instructing College) - Institution where the instructor is employed. The Teaching College's shared class may also have enrolled students.

ctcLink Shared Courses Highlights:

  *   The SBCTC Student Course Coding Manual has been updated with Shared Course coding guidelines. Colleges will use new Course Attributes to designate whether the college is an enrolling college or teaching college, as well as a Course Attribute to designate the Shared Course program. The new Course Attributes will be configured and available for college use by end of business May 10th for Summer 2024 and future terms.
  *   Enrolling Colleges have the option to allow the Teaching College instructor to enter final grades on the Grade Roster. Class setup information can be found in the new Shared Courses in ctcLink QRG<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1796048-shared-courses-in-ctclink?token=hg61KuHDSKUfelyUmkhA8zfcJOQSpDhF>, including guidance around FWL calculations.
  *   FTEs are generated at the college the student is enrolled at, regardless if it is a Teaching College or Enrolling College.
  *   New queries are available for colleges to manage their class setup and enrollments.
  *   While this solution does require coordination efforts amongst college staff, the student experience will remain unchanged and offers a seamless way for students to continue enrolling at their home institution. This will reduce the need for students to complete additional steps, such as admission applications, transcript request and transfer credit evaluation, and Financial Aid award coordination across multiple institutions.
Shared Course Resources:

  *   SBCTC Student and Course Coding Manual<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/data-services/coding-and-reporting-guidelines>
  *   Shared Courses in ctcLink QRG<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1796048-shared-courses-in-ctclink?token=hg61KuHDSKUfelyUmkhA8zfcJOQSpDhF>
  *   SBCTC Course Sharing Webpage<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/educational-technology-open-education/shared-course-information> (updates coming soon!)

Questions about Shared Courses?

  *   For Shared Course initiatives, please email Dr. Michael Brown, Director of Educational Resources & Innovation (mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>).
  *   For Canvas, please email Paul Kreemer, Senior Application Developer (pkreemer at sbctc.edu<mailto:pkreemer at sbctc.edu>).
  *   For Shared Course coding or queries, please email Carmen McKenzie, Director of Data Services (cmckenzie at sbctc.edu<mailto:cmckenzie at sbctc.edu>).
  *   For Shared Course ctcLink functionality, email  Dani Bundy, Director of ctcLink PeopleSoft Customer Support (dbundy at sbctc.edu<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu>) and Kyrsten Catlin, Associate Director of Campus Solutions (Core) (kcatlin at sbctc.edu<mailto:kcatlin at sbctc.edu>).

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