[Wsssc] RECORDING & LINKS: FAFSA Update Q&A session, Wednesday, May 1, 9:30 a.m.

Lauren Hibbs lhibbs at sbctc.edu
Wed May 1 13:30:23 PDT 2024

SBCTC Memorandum
Date:   May 1, 2024
From:  Paul Francis, SBCTC Executive Director
To:       WACTC-PRES-c, PRES, WSSSC-VPs, WSSSC-DeanStu, IC, BAC, BAR, ITC-c, FAC, PIC, RPC, ARC, WEC, ctcLink Points of Contact
Subj:    RECORDING & LINKS:  FAFSA Update Q&A session, Wednesday, May 1, 9:30 a.m.

Dear colleagues:
Thank you to the nearly 300 who were able to join us today for the FAFSA Q&A session to go over the latest updates. Your commitment and collaboration indicate we will get through this together.
We wanted to send the meeting materials out right away. In the meantime, the SBCTC teams will put their heads together to compile answers to questions from the session to add to the FAQs at the 2024-25 FAFSA Resources<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/commissions-councils/fac/fafsa-rollout-24-25> page.
Meeting recording
Zoom recording:  FAFSA Q&A May 1, 2024 | SBCTC<https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/9Nn1Q0k1i5UcEx_sojpaordRimrEz3SKrbAGB_vZqFdcZfXiWgkaW8JOIGUMOo0u.Oj9XkbRsyCY2TUff>, Passcode: D!qQ5xT&
Feel free to share the recording and resources with anyone at your college.
In the upper right, you have the option to download six files:

  *   Shared screen with speaker view
  *   Shared screen with gallery view
  *   Audio only
  *   Audio transcript
  *   Chat file
  *   Closed Caption transcript

Resources mentioned or shared in chat during Q&A session
FAFSA for Applicants without SSN

  *   This just in! 2024-25 FAFSA Webinar: Update on FAFSA Processing and Filing for Applicants Without SSNs | Date/Time: Friday, May 3, 2024, 12-1 p.m. Pacific Time<https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/dear-colleague-letters/2024-04-30/live-internet-webinar-2024-25-fafsa-update-fafsa-processing-and-filing-applicants-without-ssns>
  *   ED Closes In on Reprocessed FAFSAs, Provides Temporary Filing Fix for Mixed-Status Families<https://www.nasfaa.org/news-item/33562/ED_Closes_In_on_Reprocessed_FAFSAs_Provides_Temporary_Filing_Fix_for_Mixed-Status_Families>
  *   Update on Access to the 2024-25 FAFSA Form for Individuals Without a Social Security Number | Knowledge Center<https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/electronic-announcements/2024-04-30/update-access-2024-25-fafsa-form-individuals-without-social-security-number>

SBCTC Resources

  *   FAFSA Q&A Session Presentation slides, May 1, 2024 <https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/fafsa-simplification-qa-2024-05-01.pptx> (download)

  *   FAFSA Simplification Q&A Center<https://studentsupports.wufoo.com/forms/maf7na71vk4u76/>:  Colleges can submit questions and share ideas about the FAFSA Simplification efforts with the FAFSA Response Team at SBCTC Responses will be shared out as FAQs and resources as appropriate.
  *   2024-25 FAFSA Resources<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/commissions-councils/fac/fafsa-rollout-24-25>: web page for our college system
  *   Financial Aid Processing Recommendations and Guidance for 2024-2025<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/fa-24-25-processing-recommendations-guidance-2024-04-22.pdf> (one-pager)
  *   Census <https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/census-date-requirements-local-flexibility-2024-04-22.pdf> Date Requirements and Local Flexibility<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/census-date-requirements-local-flexibility-2024-04-22.pdf> (one-pager)

WSAC Resources

  *   12th Year Campaign<https://wsac.wa.gov/12th-year-campaign>: Includes the College Application Campaign, College Goal Washington, and the FAFSA Completion Initiative.
     *   12th Year Campaign Key to Success Financial Aid Resources<https://padlet.com/christinaw12/12th-year-campaign-key-to-success-financial-aid-resources-cxbz1z64bch5jbsf>
  *   The Financial Aid Toolkit<https://wsac.wa.gov/fa-toolkit>: Resources supporting the Washington College Grant and the financial aid application process.
  *   Aim Higher<https://wsac.wa.gov/aim-higher>: Initiative to increase equity through support for financial aid application completion in Washington.
  *   Otterbot<https://wsac.wa.gov/otterbot>: A free 24/7 messaging service providing financial aid support to College Bound seniors.

Local events
Students can get support from colleges and educational organizations at community-based local events. Most events offer Spanish language versions or translation services.

  *   Seattle: Seattle Colleges<https://www.seattlecolleges.edu/promise/apply/workshops> / Futures NW<https://www.futuresnw.org/events?view=calendar>
  *   Spokane/Eastern Washington: Launch NW<https://launchnw.org/fafsaopensdoors/#calendar>
  *   Tacoma/Pierce County: Graduate Tacoma<https://graduatetacoma.org/cfa-students/#cfacalendar>
  *   Yakima/Tri-Cities: Yakima Valley College<https://www.yvcc.edu/financial-aid/fafsa-simplification/>

Thank you,
[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Paul Francis
Executive Director
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-4355
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision - "Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."


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From: SBCTC-IT Mail <itmail at sbctc.edu<mailto:itmail at sbctc.edu>>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 12:30 PM
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Cc: Ana Ybarra <aybarra at sbctc.edu<mailto:aybarra at sbctc.edu>>; Arlen Harris <aharris at sbctc.edu<mailto:aharris at sbctc.edu>>; Christine McMullin <cmcmullin at sbctc.edu<mailto:cmcmullin at sbctc.edu>>; Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu>>; Darrell Jennings <djennings at sbctc.edu<mailto:djennings at sbctc.edu>>; Denise H. Costello <dcostello at sbctc.edu<mailto:dcostello at sbctc.edu>>; Grant Rodeheaver <grodeheaver at sbctc.edu<mailto:grodeheaver at sbctc.edu>>; Jennifer Dellinger <jdellinger at sbctc.edu<mailto:jdellinger at sbctc.edu>>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu<mailto:jhammer at sbctc.edu>>; Katie Rose <krose at sbctc.edu<mailto:krose at sbctc.edu>>; Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu<mailto:lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>>; Marie Bruin <mbruin at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbruin at sbctc.edu>>; Sam Herriot <sherriot at sbctc.edu<mailto:sherriot at sbctc.edu>>; Stephanie Winner <swinner at sbctc.edu<mailto:swinner at sbctc.edu>>; Steve Ward <steve.ward53mtb at gmail.com<mailto:steve.ward53mtb at gmail.com>>; Summer Kenesson <skenesson at sbctc.edu<mailto:skenesson at sbctc.edu>>; Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil <yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu<mailto:yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu>>; Sherry Nelson <slnelson at sbctc.edu<mailto:slnelson at sbctc.edu>>; Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu>>; Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>; Edith Abbenhaus <eabbenhaus at sbctc.edu<mailto:eabbenhaus at sbctc.edu>>; Julie Walter <jwalter at sbctc.edu<mailto:jwalter at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: INVITATION: FAFSA Update Q&A session, Wednesday, May 1, 9:30 a.m.
Importance: High

SBCTC Memorandum
Date:   April 26, 2024
From:  Paul Francis, SBCTC Executive Director
To:       WACTC-PRES-c, PRES, WSSSC-VPs, WSSSC-DeanStu, IC, BAC, BAR, ITC-c, FAC, PIC, RPC, ARC, WEC, ctcLink Points of Contact
Subj:    FAFSA Update Q&A session, Wednesday, May 1, 9:30 a.m.

Dear colleagues:
As you know too well by now, the FAFSA Simplification rollout landscape is shifting beneath our feet almost daily.
SBCTC teams are actively engaging with their respective councils and commissions to explore the most effective path forward, recognizing that success in this endeavor relies on the collective wisdom and collaboration of the entire college community.
I am asking presidents and chancellors to bring together finance, instruction, institutional research - everyone! - to support and empower their financial aid and student services teams through this unprecedented moment.
Please join us for a one-hour FAFSA Q&A session via Zoom on Wednesday, May 1, 9:30 a.m.
The meeting details are attached and below my signature.

  *   Overview: With recent updates certain to raise as many questions as they answer, Dani Bundy will provide an overview of the FAFSA landscape specific to our colleges as it stands on Wednesday, May 1.
  *   Q&A: Dani Bundy, Ana Ybarra, Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil, Joyce Hammer, Grant Rodeheaver, Lauren Hibbs, Darrell Jennings, Summer Kennesson, and Stephanie Winner will be on hand with moderator, Katie Rose, to answer as many of your questions as we can.
We encourage you to bring your questions so all participants can benefit from the discussion.
The meeting will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend.

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Paul Francis

Executive Director

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-4355

sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision - "Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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Meeting ID: 845 1515 8611

Passcode: 740803

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Meeting ID: 845 1515 8611

Passcode: 740803

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