[Wsssc] FW: Model Sex Discrimination Codes

Jamie Traugott jtraugott at sbctc.edu
Wed Jun 12 09:47:55 PDT 2024

Hello WSSSC,
Attached are the documents that will be referenced at today's presentation.

[cid:image002.jpg at 01DABCAD.97798AA0]Jamie Traugott
Director of Student Services and K12 Alignment
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
jtraugott at sbctc.edu<mailto:jtraugott at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-3929
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/> *
LinkedIn: @washington-state-board-for-community-and-technical-colleges<https://www.linkedin.com/company/washington-state-board-for-community-and-technical-colleges>

From: Marvin, H. Bruce (ATG) <HBruce.Marvin at atg.wa.gov<mailto:HBruce.Marvin at atg.wa.gov>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 9:22 AM
To: Julie Huss <jhuss at sbctc.edu<mailto:jhuss at sbctc.edu>>; Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>
Cc: Wisniewska, Zuzanna (ATG) <zuzanna.wisniewska at atg.wa.gov<mailto:zuzanna.wisniewska at atg.wa.gov>>; Boerger, Tricia (ATG) <tricia.boerger at atg.wa.gov<mailto:tricia.boerger at atg.wa.gov>>; Aileen Miller <aileen.miller at atg.wa.gov<mailto:aileen.miller at atg.wa.gov>>
Subject: Model Sex Discrimination Codes

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Julie and Lauren,

The Model Sex Discrimination Procedures/ Student Conduct Code, as well as the power point slides for today's presentation are attached above.  I have also included a copy of the new Rule and power point slides from my presentation to WSSSC and HRMC in May.

Can you make arrangements to forward these documents to the membership of WSSSC and HRMC, as well as any other SBCTC groups that might be interested in reviewing these documents?

Sorry for the short notice.

Thanks so much.  Hope to see you this morning.


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H. Bruce Marvin
Assistant Attorney General
Education Division
800 Fifth Ave. #2000
Seattle, WA 98104-3188

206 464-5814
Cell 206 858-2250

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