[LIBRARYDIR] Community Borrowers

Howard Fuller hfuller at whatcom.edu
Tue May 14 15:04:17 PDT 2024

We are members of the Whatcom Libraries Collaborate (as is BTC). At WCC community members may use the facilities, check out/use any physical material, and use reference services. We do not allow community member access to our network and therefore they cannot access our electronic content. The program as a courier that picks up and delivers material between the six participating libraries/library systems. We have community members in the library every day. There is no charge for community members.

From, https://www.wcls.org/whatcom-libraries-collaborate/

"Anyone who lives, works, attends school or owns property in Whatcom County may access materials and resources at any of the collaborating institutions. You may borrow materials from any participating library and return them to any collaborating library or book return<https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=103ln-W0JxwAZP2hyODp7kOMjFqqDsIVo&usp=sharing> in the county. You may access electronic resources and onsite computers.

You may register for an account at a Whatcom Libraries Collaborate location. Borrowing rules may differ, so please contact libraries directly with questions about available services."


From: LIBRARYDIR <librarydir-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Margret Mills via LIBRARYDIR
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 1:47 PM
To: librarydir at lists.ctc.edu
Cc: Margret Mills <Margret.Mills at skagit.edu>
Subject: [LIBRARYDIR] Community Borrowers

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We are looking at our community borrower's policies and procedures.   I'm asking for input on your feelings about your responsibility to provide services to the community - beyond your college.  We charge a minimal amount (it was $5 and went up to $10 a quarter last week) to get a card.   There are, of course, limitations on what they can check out, only use databases on campus.   We just limited their time in the library to two hours a day.  We've had a particular patron who is a bit problematic who was coming in when we opened and begrudgedly leaving at closing.

Also, we are wondering what you do about requiring a physical address - as this would affect homeless individuals.


Muggs Mills
Department Chair
Skagit Valley College Library

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