[LIBRARYDIR] Community Borrowers

Margret Mills Margret.Mills at skagit.edu
Tue May 14 13:46:33 PDT 2024


We are looking at our community borrower's policies and procedures.   I'm asking for input on your feelings about your responsibility to provide services to the community - beyond your college.  We charge a minimal amount (it was $5 and went up to $10 a quarter last week) to get a card.   There are, of course, limitations on what they can check out, only use databases on campus.   We just limited their time in the library to two hours a day.  We've had a particular patron who is a bit problematic who was coming in when we opened and begrudgedly leaving at closing.

Also, we are wondering what you do about requiring a physical address - as this would affect homeless individuals.


Muggs Mills
Department Chair
Skagit Valley College Library

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