[LIBRARYDIR] Fw: Introduction to Web of Science

Christie Flynn CFlynn at pierce.ctc.edu
Thu Feb 21 16:31:22 PST 2019

​Jackie sent out a few messages recently about interest in Web of Science.

For those of you unfamiliar, I thought I would share some information from Clarivate about the product for you to review before our meeting tomorrow.



From: Zhornist, Lawrence <Lawrence.Zhornist at Clarivate.com>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 6:39 AM
To: Christie Flynn
Cc: Zhornist, Lawrence
Subject: Introduction to Web of Science

Hi Christie,

Hope this email finds you well. It was nice speaking with you last week about Web of Science and continued interest in this solution. I do understand that not every institution will have a need for a solution like Web of Science but perhaps few case studies will demonstrate on how undergraduate universities use this tool in order to over-come some of their challenges not only for  your organization but also for the consortium you support. I understand that you will be having a meeting on Friday and would like to forward some information ahead of time. If this is certainly of interest, please let me know if have few dates in mind for a 45-60 minute demo of the solution.  I hope the information that is provided to you is helpful and let me know if something else is needed.

Overview of Web of Science Core Collection and high level facts:

Web of Science Core Collection is our premier resource on the platform and the world's most trusted citation index for scientific and scholarly research.
It is a curated collection of over 20,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings and book data are also available.
What makes Web of Science Core Collection unique?

  *   All the journals that we select for inclusion in the collection are indexed cover-to-cover.
  *   For each paper we capture:
     *   all the authors
     *   all author affiliations
     *   the abstract and keywords (if provided by the author)
     *   funding acknowledgements, including agency and grant numbers (if provided)
     *   all the cited references
When possible we also add the following metadata for our indexed papers:

  *   ORCID identifiers
  *   Additional funding data from Medline and researchfish<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.researchfish.net%2f&c=E,1,WbKujQfnbP8Usr-Y4Jq9iBpK4S1pKfA7NWnwVfmRvU1Fxea5OV965DBz4-cIeiJNhGsOscwHSBA62c47VccUqc4xmVSoyewloTV6QdHlrOY,&typo=1>
  *   Unified institution names
     *   Organization name variants--the different ways authors refer to their organization--have been unified to a preferred org name. We have unified over 5,000 institutions worldwide and there is ongoing work to unify many more. This expedites the process of searching for an institution's total publication output.
Overcoming Challenges for different stakeholders

Serving Student Needs:

Where can I find the right article for my assignment now?
How can I prepare myself for graduate  or higher tier school?
How can I format my references in APA/MLA/etc.. style?
How do I find the full text of an article I need?

Serving Faculty Needs:

Where can I find the latest research in my field to refresh my curriculum?
Where can I identify potential grant funders and collaborators?
Where can I see who cited my research?
How can I help my students  go beyond Google for their literature searches?

Serving Library Needs:

How can I drive usage to my full text subscriptions?
How can I make sure my users are able to locate high-quality, non-predatory literature?
How can I provide my users with an easy-to-use reference management tool?
How can I ensure my students are prepared for graduate or professional school?

Additional Information:



Lawrence Zhornist
Sales Manager- West, North America |  Clarivate Analytics
Mobile +267 780 3969  | clarivate.com<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fclarivate.com%2f&c=E,1,vNz_sPylsmYQTylmDJ9Ot0nHLaQ-5cIR6ogCHHfbKyiR1KZwEFWCwYIjT5dETjmZrUEUUWw0bga2YPrl2Ld8q7WlX-koHq4PKLD4_FcooETeTwxOMM06YIWJSJU,&typo=1>
Email: Lawrence.Zhornist at clarivate.com
1500 Spring Garden Street  |  Philadelphia, PA 19130  |  US

Web of Science. Trust the difference. Learn more.<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fclarivate.com%2fproduct%2fweb-of-science%2f&c=E,1,p9ZjZiw9CKRzsJ2b5Hm7xVvAuqWHhg9SRvxiurGEYYGhF9RQj9Wo9H0H_rMtJ47Y8Q70pfpkH9VJsoBiXOwx3luccd0Ew9Z2zQicP5ZVYtu50vP5a3Cdp2Nn&typo=1>          The Lifecycle of Innovation video<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fapp.mailinfo.clarivate.com%2fe%2fer%3futm_campaign%3dManagers_email_06022018_In_Comms_Global_2018%26utm_medium%3demail%26utm_source%3dEloqua%26s%3d1556%26lid%3d35502%26elqTrackId%3d9E2346FC37BCC640E9642768424D46BC%26elq%3d12408b89ca8d4915be6c486ebeba13d8%26elqaid%3d36454%26elqat%3d1&c=E,1,WyUb7_OvxI4PXB29IPIkk_FAWA8pxsmQeQwd-4qyfXNb-1tqbOQG4EkYCRfx_ybjZAcWgXre61Cq9oeQ-GJJeROt9oJ2kd09mg2rCm3mqN56jep5RVuxpA,,&typo=1>

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