[Lcta] LTCA Board Voting

Tarker, Daniel Daniel.Tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
Tue Jun 20 10:45:40 PDT 2023

Hi LTCA folks,

We have only 6 responses to the board voting doc. Please take a few moments to vote for a couple of our colleagues. Let's set the new deadline by the end of the day tomorrow.

LTCA Board Voting<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd32wJ9RBFYhqZRM4yV6Semzh_dQBvLgsgZAJD0DztDOZzQtg/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Please vote on the following nominees for the LTCA board 2023-2025. Please choose no more than 4 people. The deadline is Friday June 16. The top candidates will be contacted once votes are tallied. Once 4 people have agreed to serve, we will have a new board.

Daniel Tarker, MFA, Ed.D.
Dean of the Library and Learning Support Services
North Seattle College
daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
(206) 934-4754
Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly <https://calendly.com/daniel-tarker/30min>

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