[Lcta] LTCA Board Voting

Tarker, Daniel Daniel.Tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
Fri Jun 9 14:22:02 PDT 2023

Hi all,

First, I want to apologize for the delay in getting this board election process moving. As you can see by my title below, I've accepted a new position at North. That plus managing the 1050 rule response has been a huge amount of work. Did I add that we are moving into a refurbished library building?

In any event, I took the names of the folks who were nominated for board positions and put them into the form below.

Thanks to whoever nominated me, but I am clearly too swamped to continue serving on the board - and I think it's time for new blood.

Remember, we decided that we are just electing 4 people to the board - not into specific roles. We decided that it would be best to let the new board self-organize themselves into particular roles.

So, please select up to four people you would like to serve on the board by next Friday June 16 at 12 pm. Once voting is closed, I'll reach out to those who received the most votes to ask them if they are willing to serve - and work down the list until we have 4 board members.

Sorry this has been such a slow - and messy - process. Like all of us, I've been buried in work at my college, so I hope you'll grant me some grace on this.


LTCA Board Voting<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd32wJ9RBFYhqZRM4yV6Semzh_dQBvLgsgZAJD0DztDOZzQtg/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Please vote on the following nominees for the LTCA board 2023-2025. Please choose no more than 4 people. The deadline is Friday June 16. The top candidates will be contacted once votes are tallied. Once 4 people have agreed to serve, we will have a new board.

Daniel Tarker, MFA, Ed.D.
Dean of the Library and Learning Support Services
North Seattle College
daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
(206) 934-4754
Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly <https://calendly.com/daniel-tarker/30min>

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