[Wsssc] Student Service Updates 3/15/2024

Lauren Hibbs lhibbs at sbctc.edu
Fri Mar 15 12:59:20 PDT 2024

Hello WSSSC,

In this week's update we share that today marks the self-imposed deadline for the Department of Education to provide institutions with ISIRs, yet we haven't received any new federal updates. On the technical side, SBCTC's IT team provided insights into the challenges of configuring new data in Oracle and PeopleSoft. Additionally, we received an update from WSAC on the FAFSA completion portal. The FAFSA position paper is nearly complete, and we'll soon release the department-specific pivoted action plan. Other updates include Opportunity Grant changes, confirmation of health funding through FY 2025, and guidance on student activity fees. Lastly, a summary of Vincent Tinto's article on student persistence is shared.

As always, please reach out with any questions or ideas.

FAFSA Updates

Today marks the day for the self-imposed deadline for the Department of Education to provide institutions with ISIRs. So far, we haven't received any new federal updates. The NYT posted an excellent article covering the delay here<https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/13/us/politics/fafsa-college-admissions.html?unlocked_article_code=1.cU0.WWuv.PE1d6HGnGvGw&smid=url-share>. On the technical side, the SBCTC IT team provided an overview of why it will take a couple of weeks for the State Board to configure the new data in Oracle and PeopleSoft (below). SBCTC also received an update from WSAC on the FAFSA completion portal (also below). Hopefully you saw the two FAQs for students and faculty/staff last week; SBCTC will soon create a landing page for all FAFSA updates. Finally, the WSSSC led FAFSA position paper is nearly complete and will be shared out next Tuesday. Following that, the group will be releasing the department-specific pivoted action plan, providing guidance for specific areas of the institution with recommendations on how to respond to the delay. A huge thank you to Deann, Chantel, Melanie, and Teresa from FAC for their leadership, and of course Karl and Krista! As always, please let me know if you have any questions or ideas.

SBCTC-IT Update on Configuration

If you are not aware, the SBCTC-IT staff provides a weekly blog<https://www.sbctc.edu/blogs/ctclink-connect/2024/2024-03-13> for technical assistance and more; the target audience is not WSSSC, but rather the folks in the FA/IT realm. Below include WSSSC questions we received this week during the FAFSA position paper workgroup session that will be helpful to review and share with others on campus.

Question: What needs to happen before colleges can begin packaging financial aid for students, and what is the estimated timeline for completing this process?


  *   System Update: Before colleges can start packaging financial aid, Oracle needs to release a system update known as the revised Financial Aid Post-Regs 1 PRP3. Once this update is received, our staff will need to test and configure the changes to accept the new ISIRs (Institutional Student Information Records).
  *   Sample ISIRs: Despite promises from the Department of Education (ED) to release sample ISIRs for test purposes, the ones provided have been found to be flawed, making them unusable for configuring ctcLink. As a result, we estimate a timeline of late April/early May to complete testing.
  *   Production Move: SBCTC is aiming for the second week of May to move the technical changes to ctcLink production, allowing colleges to start loading their ISIRs in batches and work towards processing student files.

Question: Is there a possibility of changes to the estimated timeline, and what factors might influence this?


  *   Yes, the estimated timeline is subject to change depending on when we receive accurate ISIRs from ED and when Oracle sends updated PRPs. Any technical issues encountered with the updates from Oracle will also be taken into consideration.

Question: What is the anticipated impact of enrollment intensity on both state and federal aid, and how is this being addressed?


  *   Unfortunately, determining the anticipation and potential impact of enrollment intensity with both state and federal aid falls outside our purview. Our primary responsibility lies in administering the system for processing aid rather than speculating on potential impacts. For a more informed response, it would be advisable to consult with financial aid directors or researchers specializing in gathering quantifiable data points specific to your college.

Update from WSAC on FAFSA Data Portal
WSAC is working through a new agreement with the U.S. Department of Education that governs the type of data sharing that occurs in the FAFSA completion sections of the WSAC portal.  With the new integration with IRS data, U.S. ED needs to meet confidentiality standards set by the U.S. Department of Treasury.  While this doesn't prevent sharing, it is much more restrictive in the type of relationship WSAC must have with recipient organizations. We have been waiting on a Dear Colleague letter from the U.S. ED with clarifying guidance, and we are collaborating with our Assistant Attorney General to navigate these new requirements. In the meantime, we are reaching out to organizations with current DSAs and are pausing on new organizational DSAs until we have a clearer understanding of the situation.

What this means: Your team's access to the FAFSA completion portal will be paused until these data questions are resolved.

Please also note that WSAC has not yet received FAFSA completion data for the 24-25 FAFSA. The U.S. ED has told WSAC they should receive it by mid-to-late March. We anticipate that our aggregate dashboard (www.wsac.wa.gov/fafsa-completion<http://www.wsac.wa.gov/fafsa-completion>) will be live by the end of the month or early April. This tool can be accessed by anyone, and I hope it is helpful for you. We are also in the process of working on exciting improvements to the dashboard to make it even more useful.

Gainful Employment Update (attached full update from Summer Kenesson)

The SBCTC is committed to alleviating the workload of Gainful Employment reporting for Financial Aid staff. They have assembled a team of four data analysts to collect most of the necessary data for reporting back to colleges, although some uncertainties remain. Updates will be provided to various listservs as organization progresses, and a workplan and timeline will be circulated within the next three weeks. While some information will be required from colleges, efforts will be made to minimize the burden on them, including potentially accessing reports directly from the Department of Education. Additionally, guidance will be provided on the upload process, with options for colleges to opt out if desired. Further information and support will be available as planning at SBCTC formalizes.

Spring WSSSC Registration and Hotel Block
Our spring commission meeting at Centralia College is just around the corner. Registration for spring is now open<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2FHRV79> and closes Friday, April 19. Each college is encouraged to send a representative or include a delegate if the wsssc member is unable to attend. This meeting is available hybrid, though in-person attendance is encouraged.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the following locations and is available through April 15:
LaQuinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Centralia
1225 Mellen Street, Centralia, Washington 98531

Updated Guided Pathways Workplan, attached
Attached includes the 2024-2026 Guided Pathways Implementation Work Plan<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/workplan-2024-2026/24-26-gp-workplan-template.pdf>, a valuable resource designed to assist colleges in articulating the progress made in implementing Guided Pathways practices at scale.  The plan is attached and available on the Guided Pathways Implementation Model webpage<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/gp-technical-assistance-model> and here is the student outcome dashboard<https://tableau.sbctc.edu/t/SBCTC/views/First-TimeEnteringStudentOutcomes/IntroductionMenu?iframeSizedToWindow=true&:embed=y&:showAppBanner=false&:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no&:origin=viz_share_link>. Each college received a customized template for completion earlier this week.

Opportunity Grant Update (From Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil)
Over the past fall and winter quarters, we realized that there have been instances where our program's capacity limitations led to disruptions and inconsistencies in communication. I understand the inconvenience and frustration this may have caused and understand how this impacts your ability to support your work and students.
In light of these challenges, we are taking proactive steps to rectify the situation and prevent similar issues from arising in the future. Moving forward, the Opportunity Grant program will be implementing measures to align our processes and procedures more closely with student support programs. By doing so, the aim is to establish a more cohesive and efficient framework that ensures consistent communication and minimizes disruptions.
You will see the following changes over the next few months:
Request/Return of Funds:

  *   We will be open 3/12-4/5 for colleges to submit completed forms. Forms will be reviewed and processed by 4/15/24 and colleges will be notified once allocation date is set.
The Opportunity Grant Listserv:

  *   Will sunset at the end of this fiscal year on June 30th.
  *   Op Grant will transition to the Canvas Site for regular program updates, resources, forms, program inventory, program approval requests and communication on July 1, 2024.
  *   Program Approvals and Inventory will be streamlined in the new fiscal year.
  *   We will move to quarterly model for requests and approvals and facilitated through Canvas.
  *   I-BEST will retain its current process as it is facilitated with the BEdA Dept.
  *   Inventory will mirror that of the other Student Support programs and will be housed online in Canvas.

Health Funding - funding confirmed to be continued through FY 2025
We have confirmed with our Budget staff that the Opportunity Grant Health Funds will be continued through next year, there will be $4,000,000 in Health funds for FY 2025. The allocation amounts per college will be adjusted based on the shift in colleges that were able to expend funds this year. There were significantly more colleges able to use the funds this year, and overall, across the sector there have been significantly less funds returned and more funds requested since COVID-19. Allocation amounts will be determined by June 7th to prepare for the next fiscal year, general op grant allocation amounts will not shift, only health will have the potential to be adjusted

Student Activity Fee Guidance

I've received a few questions regarding student and activity fee guidance. For anyone seeking clarification or reference on this topic, here is a link to the SBCTC policy document<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/policies-rules/policy-manual/services-and-activities-fee-guidance.pdf> that provides helpful guidance and answers to common questions. Feel free to review the document, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.

NASPA and Vincent Tinto Belong and Persistence Article
As shared by GRCC Dani Crivello-Change in hot topics, here is a great professional development opportunity: Student Affairs Certificate<https://studentaffairscertification.org/certifications/student-affairs-educator-certification>

I wanted to share an update from the recent NASPA annual event in Seattle, where nearly 6,000 student affairs practitioners gathered for a week of learning and networking. From WSSSC, Karl, Graydon, Derek, Alice, Kao, and myself had the opportunity to attend a variety of fantastic sessions and VPSA conversations covering a wide range of topics relevant to our work. One of the highlights for me was running into our SOCC leaders at the event and hearing how far the conference planning committee has come. It's always inspiring to see our colleagues from different areas coming together to share ideas, insights, and best practices. However, the most valuable experience for me was a meeting with Vincent Tinto, the renowned expert in the field of student retention and coincidently the topic that rose to the top last week in our hot topics session poll. We had a thought-provoking conversation centered around AI, creativity, wisdom, interdisciplinary learning, the changing landscape of content knowledge and the importance of pedagogy for HE, and other topics covered in an article that I've attached for your reference. What was also interesting is that Tinto noted the needs of students are also many of the needs of faculty and staff. I've provided a brief summary of the articles key points below:

Tinto Article Major Points:

  *   Perspective Shift: Vincent Tinto highlights a shift in perspective from "retention" to "persistence" when considering student success in higher education. While universities focus on retaining students for revenue and outcomes, students are more concerned with persisting to complete their degrees, even if it means transferring to another institution.
  *   Motivation and Self-Efficacy: Tinto discusses the importance of students' motivation, particularly self-efficacy, in persisting towards degree completion. Self-efficacy refers to students' belief in their ability to succeed in academic tasks. It influences how students approach goals, tasks, and challenges, with high self-efficacy promoting persistence and effort.
  *   Sense of Belonging: Tinto emphasizes the significance of students' sense of belonging in fostering persistence. Feeling connected and valued within the university community encourages students to stay committed, even when facing challenges. Institutions can promote belonging through inclusive campus climates and meaningful interactions among students and faculty.
  *   Curriculum Relevance: The perceived value and relevance of the curriculum also impact student motivation and persistence. Students need to see the material they're learning as meaningful and applicable to their lives. Tinto suggests aligning curriculum with student interests, providing support for challenging courses, and emphasizing real-world applications to enhance engagement.
  *   Implications for Institutional Action: Tinto discusses the role of faculty in promoting student success through effective teaching strategies and fostering a sense of belonging. Institutions need to prioritize faculty development and establish systems for monitoring student engagement and perceptions to address their needs effectively.
  *   Closing Thoughts: Tinto emphasizes the importance of understanding student experiences and perspectives to improve persistence and completion rates in higher education. He encourages universities to engage with students as partners, learn from their experiences, and address equity gaps to promote student success.

Overall, Tinto's reflections underscore the multifaceted nature of student persistence and highlight the need for institutions to prioritize student motivation, belonging, and curriculum relevance in their efforts to support student success.

Enjoy the beautiful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Lauren Hibbs, Ed.D

Director, Student Services

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

lhibbs at sbctc.edu* o: 360-704-4334 *

sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision:

"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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