[Wsssc] FW: notes from FA Workgroup

Claire Peinado Claire.Peinado at skagit.edu
Fri Feb 9 09:49:21 PST 2024

Please review FA Workgroup notes below.

From: Claire Peinado
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 12:17 PM
To: Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil <yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu>
Subject: notes from FA Workgroup

Review of FAFSA - new rollout, delays

  *   SBCTC timeline & internal plan for integration w/ctcLink?


  *   Possible flexibilities to build in for students.
     *   Remove verifications?
  *   Communication plans & strategies for stakeholders.  From SBCTC?  From local colleges?
  *   Impacts on FTEs and enrollment trends.
  *   Deep dive with Karl Smith!  What does FAC need from WSSSC to support the following goal/charge:  Maximize financial aid best practices in ways that strengthen student enrollment and retention

Proposed Deliverables

  *   Report on the existing gaps and inconsistencies in FA business practices, and provide a set of recommendations on suggested CTC efficiencies or alignment, with strengths and challenges for systemic adoption noted.
     *   Consider breaking out between FA award & processing vs customer service to students.
     *   Assess front-end/back-end duties and hours of service to students.
     *   Impacts of mass-packaging with ctcLink integration vs aligning all special circumstances review by campus.
  *   Develop a proposal for more effective recruitment, training, and development of a Financial Aid staffing pipeline, from early professional to Director/Dean.
     *   De-escalation training
     *   Should we partner w/HRMC to create job description, title and progression - standardizing and OFM progression.  Supports PD pipeline and retention of staff (prevents jumping from college to college);  Consider partnering with 4-years.  Caveat:  technical colleges bargain locally; could we use these as a template?  Maybe.  But union considerations.
  *   Assisting FAC, in coordination with the VP Liaison to FAC, in prioritizing needs to SBCTC, including ongoing FAFSA simplification integration, training, and frequency/modes of efficient communication.
     *   Where are the pinch points with ctcLink common practices?  What can we do with VPSS colleagues to streamline or establish solutions that support enhancements?
     *   "FAST" Team:  subgroup to interface btw FAC and SBCTC

Claire E. Peinado, PhD
Vice President for Student Services
Skagit Valley College
p: (360) 416-7961
appt: (360) 416-2564
pronouns: she, her
President, Washington State Student Services Commission (WSSSC)

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