[Wactclc-alma] sending a customized courtesy letter

Herman, Amy aherman at olympic.edu
Wed Aug 12 12:51:35 PDT 2020

I'd like to send a customized Courtesy Letter to all patrons that have an active loan that's either overdue or coming due shortly, with a customized message, because we are no longer going to extend due dates past 8/25.  I've created a set of users to send the letter to.  I also created a set of just me to send it to, for testing.

I was following the instructions from EL in the presentation, "How to send a customized letter to all users that have an item on loan.pptx <https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/@api/deki/files/80766/How_to_send_a_customized_letter_to_all_users_that_have_an_item_on_loan.pptx> but they are using a different letter in their example that does not include a list of the items or their due dates.  So I wanted to do something similar but with a different letter that includes that level of detail about their account.  But now I'm lost since the presentation doesn't match up with the type of letter I want to customize and send.


Amy Herman
Library Faculty | Olympic College
1600 Chester Avenue | Bremerton, WA 98337
aherman at olympic.edu<mailto:aherman at olympic.edu>

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