[Wactclc-alma] Barcode Scanners

Nadine Pavlov NPavlov at greenriver.edu
Fri Feb 16 10:44:58 PST 2018

Thank you Wade. We were looking for something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Barcode-Handheld-Terminal-Collector-Bluetooth/dp/B01N7C0MI6/ref=sr_1_174?ie=UTF8&qid=1499706641&sr=8-174&keywords=barcode+scanner+android
So we can scan in the "In-House" used books right at the place they are found. Right now, we still do this with paper and pen :)
There are different brands to choose from... To me, they are all the same but their prices go from low to high; and we just don't know what to choose. So, I thought maybe someone already use them and can suggest the good one.


Nadine Pavlov
Circulation Supervisor
Holman Library
(253) 833-9111 Ext. 2088

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