[Wsssc] tutoring and S&A

Kerri B. Holferty kholferty at whatcom.edu
Tue May 28 12:37:37 PDT 2024

I am so glad you brought this up, Claire. I am experiencing the same thing at WCC and understanding what is happening across our state will be helpful in navigating conversations and expectations.

Do your S&A funds cover any tutoring costs at your college?

Yes to this question, however, this dollar amount has decreased over the last few years and the S&A committee has reduced their support of tutoring by 10% this year and is recommending that future student leaders continue this trend until tutoring is fully operational. BUT, the college is not planning to convert that 10% into operational dollars this year (nor did they last year) which equates to less tutoring hours or tutor availability.

This is pretty controversial here. Student tutors are advocating for S&A to continue funding and the S&A committee and other students clearly believe tutoring should be an institutional priority and funding model.


Kerri B Holferty, M.Ed. (she, her, hers)
Interim Vice President of Student Services
Whatcom Community College

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From: wsssc <wsssc-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Claire Peinado via wsssc
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 12:03 PM
To: wsssc at lists.ctc.edu
Subject: [Wsssc] tutoring and S&A

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Hi Colleagues,

You may have heard that a conversation is circulating in CUSP regarding whether S&A funds cover any tutoring costs and if so, to what extent.

This question is coming up at SVC and I'm wondering if you could please share your practices, if you're willing:

  1.  Do your S&A funds cover any tutoring costs at your college?
  2.  If so, what do these allocations look like (percentage of overall cost, stipulations, etc.)
  3.  If S&A does not cover tutoring costs, how is your college funding tutoring?

Thanks a million, all!


Claire E. Peinado, PhD
Vice President for Student Services
Skagit Valley College
p: (360) 416-7961
appt: (360) 416-2564
pronouns: she, her
President, Washington State Student Services Commission (WSSSC)

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