[Wsssc] tutoring and S&A

Claire Peinado Claire.Peinado at skagit.edu
Tue May 28 12:02:32 PDT 2024

Hi Colleagues,

You may have heard that a conversation is circulating in CUSP regarding whether S&A funds cover any tutoring costs and if so, to what extent.

This question is coming up at SVC and I'm wondering if you could please share your practices, if you're willing:

  1.  Do your S&A funds cover any tutoring costs at your college?
  2.  If so, what do these allocations look like (percentage of overall cost, stipulations, etc.)
  3.  If S&A does not cover tutoring costs, how is your college funding tutoring?

Thanks a million, all!


Claire E. Peinado, PhD
Vice President for Student Services
Skagit Valley College
p: (360) 416-7961
appt: (360) 416-2564
pronouns: she, her
President, Washington State Student Services Commission (WSSSC)

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