[Wsssc] Referrals to Telehealth BIPOC Network

Lezheo, Kao Kao.Lezheo at Seattlecolleges.edu
Thu May 2 14:57:04 PDT 2024

Hi WSSSC Friends,

I hope you all are doing well. I was at a presentation at NASPA where, at the state level, they were able to provide telehealth services, and this has been sitting with me since then. So, here’s my thought bubble to share. I’m wondering if any of you have been able to start a referral system for your students to access telehealth services beyond the counselors scope of work and hours of service.

We are currently looking to address mental health support services for our students at Seattle Central College. One idea that surfaced was supporting our students through referrals for mental health services. The current problem is that we don’t know if there’s any success with the referrals, the cost of mental health services may be out of reach for most students, and students don’t necessarily have access to network of range and variety of BIPOC therapists.

In a conversation with a therapist, we were thinking about creating a contract with a network of BIPOC therapists to refer students. I’m really interested in hearing about any of your work around this.


Kao LéZheo, M.Ed. (he/him/his pronouns)

Vice President of Student Services

Seattle Central College

1701 Broadway

Seattle, WA 98122

(206) 934-3891

kao.lezheo at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:kao.lezheo at seattlecolleges.edu>

In Student Services, we are a beloved community committed to learning, empowerment, and transformation of students and all those in our community. Through this, we honor our college’s history of fighting for racial equity and social justice.

Last Read Book<https://scedu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/kao_lezheo_seattlecolleges_edu/ESmR6vr3qpVHk1Q03k1iTesBmv84REuymd0kjgTG6Tr40w?e=CqtCsK>: War and the Soul by Edward Tick Review: Fantastic read! The implications are far reaching as our understanding of post-traumatic stress syndrome reaches into the everyday interactions and systems. For there to be reconciliation and healing, the principles of initiation, purification, storytelling, and myth must guide how we embrace, not only our veterans, but all those who have experienced suffering.

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