[Wsssc] Gainful Employment 150% Rule Update - Urgent

Edith Abbenhaus eabbenhaus at sbctc.edu
Wed Jun 26 14:01:52 PDT 2024

Hello Listservs-

For those of you concerned about or working on the Gainful Employment rule change that would reduce the length of programs that have state licensure or certification requirements described in hours or credits from 150% of that prescribed length to only a100% - there is some promising news.

Last Friday, a federal judge imposed an injunction to halt the rule, which was slated to take effect July 1, 2024. While we are hopeful that this injunction will stand, note that at the moment it is a temporary injunction pending the outcome of the lawsuit. Whether a college feels it is reasonable to 'pause' moving forward with program changes is a decision for individual colleges. To help with that decision, we here at the agency will continue to research and identify programs that would be affected by the rule should the injunction be lifted and be ready to assist colleges if they need to expedite program changes. If colleges prefer to continue with planning for potentially having to shorten affected programs, we will continue to provide support.

Note also that this does not affect the Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency reporting requirement for October 1. That reporting also includes the licensure and certification success rates for programs that prepare students for those (whether state, federal or industry specific). With that in mind, we distributed a survey this week to collect information about those programs, so please continue to complete that survey. We will also use that to make sure we have a comprehensive list of programs that may need support if the 150% rule change does go forward.

There will be more updates and information on both the GE/FVT reporting and the 150% rule sent out via the listservs in the upcoming weeks. If you have any questions about GE/FVT reporting or the 150% rule, please reach out to Summer Kenesson<mailto:skenesson at sbctc.edu>, SBCTC Director of Policy Research.

Summer Kenesson

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