[Wsssc] Fwd: FAFSA Update 6/14

Jamie Traugott jtraugott at sbctc.edu
Fri Jun 14 15:52:49 PDT 2024

Please see  important updates below
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From: Jamie Traugott <jtraugott at sbctc.edu>
Date: June 14, 2024 at 3:50:52 PM PDT
To: Grant Rodeheaver <grodeheaver at sbctc.edu>
Cc: Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu>, Sherry Nelson <slnelson at sbctc.edu>
Subject: Re: FAFSA Update  6/14

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 14, 2024, at 3:37 PM, Grant Rodeheaver <grodeheaver at sbctc.edu> wrote:

Hi Jamie,
Would you please forward this message to the WSSSC listserv  wsssc at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wsssc at lists.ctc.edu> ?

Thank you,

From: Grant Rodeheaver
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2024 3:30 PM
To: Amit Singh (amit.singh at edcc.edu) <amit.singh at edcc.edu>; Amy Morrison (amy.morrison at lwtech.edu) <amy.morrison at lwtech.edu>; Bob Mohrbacher - Centralia (bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu) <bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu>; Bradley Lane (bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu) <bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu>; Carli Schiffner <carli.schiffner at ghc.edu>; Chad Emerson Hickox <chad.hickox at wwcc.edu>; ccrawford <ccrawford at everettcc.edu>; Chio Flores - Pierce College Puyallup <cflores at pierce.ctc.edu>; Choi Halladay <challaday at sbctc.edu>; Chris.villa <Chris.villa at skagit.edu>; Darrell Jennings <djennings at sbctc.edu>; david.may at bellevuecollege.edu; Eric Murray (emurray at cascadia.edu) <emurray at cascadia.edu>; Faimous Harrison <fharrison at wvc.edu>; Harrell, Ivan <iharrell at tacomacc.edu>; Jack Kahn (jkahn at shoreline.edu) <jkahn at shoreline.edu>; jenni.martin <jenni.martin at scc.spokane.edu>; James Lemerond <jlemerond at btc.edu>; Mosby, John <jmosby at highline.edu>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu>; Joyce Loveday (joyce.loveday at cptc.edu) <joyce.loveday at cptc.edu>; Julie Walter <jwalter at sbctc.edu>; Julie White <JUWhite at pierce.ctc.edu>; Karin Edwards (kedwards at clark.edu) <kedwards at clark.edu>; khiyane-brown <khiyane-brown at whatcom.edu>; Brockbank, Kevin <kevin.brockbank at ccs.spokane.edu>; Kim Tanaka <ktanaka at sbctc.edu>; Kimberlee Messina (Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu) <Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu>; Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>; lzhou <lzhou at batestech.edu>; lkaminski <lkaminski at yvcc.edu>; Marty Cavalluzzi - Olympic <mcavalluzzi at olympic.edu>; Matt Seimears (mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu) <mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu>; Matthew Campbell <mcampbell at pierce.ctc.edu>; Nanette Angel <nangel at sbctc.edu>; Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu>; president at highline.edu; Rachel Solemsaas - North Seattle <Rachel.solemsaas at seattlecolleges.edu>; Rebekah Woods (rwoods at columbiabasin.edu) <rwoods at columbiabasin.edu>; Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap - Seattle Colleges (Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu) <Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu>; Sara Thompson Tweedy (sarat at bigbend.edu) <SaraT at bigbend.edu>; Sayumi.Irey <Sayumi.Irey at seattlecolleges.edu>; Stephanie Winner <swinner at sbctc.edu>; Suzanne Johnson (sjohnson at greenriver.edu) <sjohnson at greenriver.edu>; Suzy Ames <sames at pencol.edu>; Tim Stokes (tstokes at spscc.edu) <tstokes at spscc.edu>; Yoshiko Harden (yharden at rtc.edu) <yharden at rtc.edu>
Cc: Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu>; Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu>; Jamie Traugott <jtraugott at sbctc.edu>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu>; Arlen Harris <aharris at sbctc.edu>; Sam Herriot <sherriot at sbctc.edu>; Stephanie Winner <swinner at sbctc.edu>; Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>; Katie Rose <krose at sbctc.edu>; Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil <yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu>; Ana Ybarra <aybarra at sbctc.edu>; John Boesenberg <jboesenberg at sbctc.edu>; Darrell Jennings <djennings at sbctc.edu>; Summer Kenesson <skenesson at sbctc.edu>; Jennifer Dellinger <jdellinger at sbctc.edu>; Christine McMullin <cmcmullin at sbctc.edu>; Marie Bruin <mbruin at sbctc.edu>; Denise H. Costello <dcostello at sbctc.edu>; Sherry Nelson <slnelson at sbctc.edu>
Subject: FAFSA Update 6/14

Good afternoon presidents and chancellors:
I want to provide a recap of this week’s financial aid award processing activities.
It’s been a big, difficult week for your respective financial aid teams, and you can be very proud of their efforts.
On Monday, June 10, colleges began loading ISIRs to begin awarding aid. Most colleges loaded their ISIRs Monday, with the remaining colleges completing this activity Tuesday morning. Colleges may continue to load ISIRs daily if they choose to.
On Wednesday, June 12, at 11:30 a.m., all colleges were informed via Webex and email that they could activate their 2025 jobsets if they felt ready, and 18 colleges did so:

  *   Eight colleges experienced failures due to local security role issues or problems with the Washington College Grant (WCG) Pop Update process.
  *   Ten colleges successfully executed their jobsets and moved to awarding students on Thursday morning. The colleges that successfully ran their 2025 jobsets on Wednesday evening now have significant numbers of students to award.
On Thursday, June 13, colleges were asked to pause running new 2025 jobsets in the evening due to an issue with the WCG Pop Update of the job process. The SBCTC Financial Aid Support and Application Services teams identified and tested a resolution, which went into production shortly before noon today, Friday, June 14.
Once the fix was validated by the SBCTC Financial Aid Support team, college FA staff were notified during the support Webex they could resume their 2025 jobsets this evening.
As of this afternoon, 12 colleges have now awarded financial aid in ctcLink production!
During the daily support Webex today, Friday, June 14, the FA community evaluated its support needs for the week ahead.  Colleges are asked to block out June 17-18 and June 20-21 for the same times as this week (9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 4 p.m. daily). June 19 is a holiday.  The SBCTC Financial Aid Support team will follow up with additional information and resources to the financial community after the close of the Webex today.

Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,

[image003.jpg] Grant Rodeheaver
Deputy Executive Director / CIO, IT Division
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
grodeheaver at sbctc.edu<mailto:grodeheaver at sbctc.edu> • o: 360-704-3939
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> • Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> • Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

From: Grant Rodeheaver
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2024 12:45 PM
To: Amit Singh (amit.singh at edcc.edu<mailto:amit.singh at edcc.edu>) <amit.singh at edcc.edu<mailto:amit.singh at edcc.edu>>; Amy Morrison (amy.morrison at lwtech.edu<mailto:amy.morrison at lwtech.edu>) <amy.morrison at lwtech.edu<mailto:amy.morrison at lwtech.edu>>; Bob Mohrbacher - Centralia (bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu<mailto:bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu>) <bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu<mailto:bob.mohrbacher at centralia.edu>>; Bradley Lane (bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu>) <bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:bradley.lane at seattlecolleges.edu>>; Carli Schiffner <carli.schiffner at ghc.edu<mailto:carli.schiffner at ghc.edu>>; Chad Emerson Hickox <chad.hickox at wwcc.edu<mailto:chad.hickox at wwcc.edu>>; ccrawford <ccrawford at everettcc.edu<mailto:ccrawford at everettcc.edu>>; Chio Flores - Pierce College Puyallup <cflores at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:cflores at pierce.ctc.edu>>; Choi Halladay <challaday at sbctc.edu<mailto:challaday at sbctc.edu>>; Chris.villa <Chris.villa at skagit.edu<mailto:Chris.villa at skagit.edu>>; Darrell Jennings <djennings at sbctc.edu<mailto:djennings at sbctc.edu>>; david.may at bellevuecollege.edu<mailto:david.may at bellevuecollege.edu>; Eric Murray (emurray at cascadia.edu<mailto:emurray at cascadia.edu>) <emurray at cascadia.edu<mailto:emurray at cascadia.edu>>; Faimous Harrison <fharrison at wvc.edu<mailto:fharrison at wvc.edu>>; Harrell, Ivan <iharrell at tacomacc.edu<mailto:iharrell at tacomacc.edu>>; Jack Kahn (jkahn at shoreline.edu<mailto:jkahn at shoreline.edu>) <jkahn at shoreline.edu<mailto:jkahn at shoreline.edu>>; jenni.martin <jenni.martin at scc.spokane.edu<mailto:jenni.martin at scc.spokane.edu>>; James Lemerond <jlemerond at btc.edu<mailto:jlemerond at btc.edu>>; Mosby, John <jmosby at highline.edu<mailto:jmosby at highline.edu>>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu<mailto:jhammer at sbctc.edu>>; Joyce Loveday (joyce.loveday at cptc.edu<mailto:joyce.loveday at cptc.edu>) <joyce.loveday at cptc.edu<mailto:joyce.loveday at cptc.edu>>; Julie Walter <jwalter at sbctc.edu<mailto:jwalter at sbctc.edu>>; Julie White <JUWhite at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:JUWhite at pierce.ctc.edu>>; Karin Edwards (kedwards at clark.edu<mailto:kedwards at clark.edu>) <kedwards at clark.edu<mailto:kedwards at clark.edu>>; khiyane-brown <khiyane-brown at whatcom.edu<mailto:khiyane-brown at whatcom.edu>>; Brockbank, Kevin <kevin.brockbank at ccs.spokane.edu<mailto:kevin.brockbank at ccs.spokane.edu>>; Kim Tanaka <ktanaka at sbctc.edu<mailto:ktanaka at sbctc.edu>>; Kimberlee Messina (Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu<mailto:Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu>) <Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu<mailto:Kimberlee.Messina at sfcc.spokane.edu>>; Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu<mailto:lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>>; lzhou <lzhou at batestech.edu<mailto:lzhou at batestech.edu>>; lkaminski <lkaminski at yvcc.edu<mailto:lkaminski at yvcc.edu>>; Marty Cavalluzzi - Olympic <mcavalluzzi at olympic.edu<mailto:mcavalluzzi at olympic.edu>>; Matt Seimears (mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu<mailto:mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu>) <mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu<mailto:mseimears at lowercolumbia.edu>>; Matthew Campbell <mcampbell at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:mcampbell at pierce.ctc.edu>>; Nanette Angel <nangel at sbctc.edu<mailto:nangel at sbctc.edu>>; Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu>>; president at highline.edu<mailto:president at highline.edu>; Rachel Solemsaas - North Seattle <Rachel.solemsaas at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:Rachel.solemsaas at seattlecolleges.edu>>; Rebekah Woods (rwoods at columbiabasin.edu<mailto:rwoods at columbiabasin.edu>) <rwoods at columbiabasin.edu<mailto:rwoods at columbiabasin.edu>>; Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap - Seattle Colleges (Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu>) <Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:Rosie.Rimando at seattlecolleges.edu>>; Sara Thompson Tweedy (sarat at bigbend.edu<mailto:sarat at bigbend.edu>) <SaraT at bigbend.edu<mailto:SaraT at bigbend.edu>>; Sayumi.Irey <Sayumi.Irey at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:Sayumi.Irey at seattlecolleges.edu>>; Stephanie Winner <swinner at sbctc.edu<mailto:swinner at sbctc.edu>>; Suzanne Johnson (sjohnson at greenriver.edu<mailto:sjohnson at greenriver.edu>) <sjohnson at greenriver.edu<mailto:sjohnson at greenriver.edu>>; Suzy Ames <sames at pencol.edu<mailto:sames at pencol.edu>>; Tim Stokes (tstokes at spscc.edu<mailto:tstokes at spscc.edu>) <tstokes at spscc.edu<mailto:tstokes at spscc.edu>>; Yoshiko Harden (yharden at rtc.edu<mailto:yharden at rtc.edu>) <yharden at rtc.edu<mailto:yharden at rtc.edu>>
Cc: Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu>>; Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu>>; Lauren Hibbs <lhibbs at sbctc.edu<mailto:lhibbs at sbctc.edu>>; Joyce Hammer <jhammer at sbctc.edu<mailto:jhammer at sbctc.edu>>; Choi Halladay <challaday at sbctc.edu<mailto:challaday at sbctc.edu>>; Arlen Harris <aharris at sbctc.edu<mailto:aharris at sbctc.edu>>; Sam Herriot <sherriot at sbctc.edu<mailto:sherriot at sbctc.edu>>; Stephanie Winner <swinner at sbctc.edu<mailto:swinner at sbctc.edu>>; Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu<mailto:lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>>; Katie Rose <krose at sbctc.edu<mailto:krose at sbctc.edu>>; Yokiko Hayashi-Saguil <yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu<mailto:yhayashi-saguil at sbctc.edu>>; Ana Ybarra <aybarra at sbctc.edu<mailto:aybarra at sbctc.edu>>; John Boesenberg <jboesenberg at sbctc.edu<mailto:jboesenberg at sbctc.edu>>; Darrell Jennings <djennings at sbctc.edu<mailto:djennings at sbctc.edu>>; Steve Ward <steve.ward53mtb at gmail.com<mailto:steve.ward53mtb at gmail.com>>; Summer Kenesson <skenesson at sbctc.edu<mailto:skenesson at sbctc.edu>>; Jennifer Dellinger <jdellinger at sbctc.edu<mailto:jdellinger at sbctc.edu>>; Christine McMullin <cmcmullin at sbctc.edu<mailto:cmcmullin at sbctc.edu>>; Marie Bruin <mbruin at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbruin at sbctc.edu>>; Denise H. Costello <dcostello at sbctc.edu<mailto:dcostello at sbctc.edu>>; Sherry Nelson <slnelson at sbctc.edu<mailto:slnelson at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: FAFSA Update

Good afternoon, presidents:

The first series of Financial Aid 2024-2025 Go-Live Support Sessions for colleges to process ISIRs and begin awarding aid will be held Monday through Friday, June 10-14, 2024. Each day follows the same schedule, with the ctcLink Financial Aid Support team providing hands-on guidance to college financial aid team members:

·         9 a.m. to 12 p.m., support session

·         12 – 1 p.m., lunch break

·         1 - 4 p.m., support session continues

During the Webex on Friday, June 14, the FA community will evaluate its specific needs for the week ahead. Just in case, colleges are asked to block out June 17-18 and June 20-21 for the same time. (June 19 is the Juneteenth holiday.)

College FA teams need your support and patience

Your college financial aid teams and leaders are defying great odds during this historic U.S. Department of Education FAFSA fiasco and deserve all the appreciation, support, and resources you can send their way.

As reported during the WACTC Presidents business meeting last Friday, 24 colleges had already loaded ISIRs in the contingency awarding alternative environment and three colleges had begun awarding aid in ctcLink production.  Since that date, 26 colleges have loaded ISIRs in the contingency awarding alternative environment and four colleges have begun awarding aid to students.

If you haven’t already seen this Inside Higher Education article, ‘The Last Straw’ for Weary Financial Aid Officers,<https://www.insidehighered.com/news/workplace/staff-issues/2024/05/31/financial-aid-officers-are-burnt-out-after-fafsa-fiasco?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=20de25294b-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-20de25294b-237244581&mc_cid=20de25294b&mc_eid=1702cd723a> please take time to read it. A recent survey<https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2024/05/09/report-half-financial-aid-officers-likely-switch-jobs>  by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources found that over half of financial aid professionals are likely to switch jobs in the next year. Many colleges have a staff of fewer than five financial aid officers; a handful lost all their staff and had to outsource the office’s work<https://www.insidehighered.com/news/workplace/staff-issues/2023/12/05/colleges-outsource-financial-aid-offices-amid-staffing>  to a third party.

FAFSA milestones ahead

·                     June 4 and June 5, 2024

o        The FA community has been invited to attend FA PRP Q&A Sessions to review changes the user will experience in financial aid once the Campus Solutions FA PeopleSoft Release Patchsets (PRPs) upgrade is implemented the evening of June 6.

§     Campus Solutions Financial Aid PRP 1.3-2.6 Overview - June 2024<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/it-support/erp/ctclink-accessibility/campus-solutions-fa-prp-1.3-2.6-overview-2024-06.pdf> 

§     Campus Solutions 24-25 Financial Aid PRP Accessibility Overview – June 2024<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/it-support/erp/ctclink-accessibility/campus-solutions-fa-prp-2425-accessibility-update-overview-2024-06.pdf>

·                     Thursday, June 6, 2024

o        Financial Aid staff have been advised to cancel all recurring or prescheduled processes and jobs that they have scheduled in ctcLink no later than 3 p.m. Financial Aid users will refer to the Process Take-Down Instructions QRG<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/81602/l/1468473-process-take-down-instructions> for detailed instructions.

o        SBCTC Application Services teams will take down the FA portion of the system at 4 p.m. to move all the latest PRPs from Oracle into production and FA Support will conduct final readiness tests.

·                     Monday, June 10, 2024

o        Colleges get access to the updated system and will begin loading ISIRs during the support session. To prepare, college FA officers were asked to read the PowerPoint slides distributed May 24 to the FA Support listserv<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/loading-isirs-2024-06-10.pdf>. While this information was covered during the Aid Year Rollover sessions, colleges are asked to read instructions specific to June 10.

·                     Week of June 10 and, if needed, week of June 17, 2024

o        ctcLink Financial Aid Support team will deliver hands-on financial aid support sessions for colleges.

o        Please be advised there is no set agenda for these support sessions. We are approaching this as a "go-live" event, and it is crucial for all Financial Aid staff to attend. The sessions will cover essential information needed to proceed with loading ISIRs, utilizing checklists, creating budgets, and managing the packaging and awarding of students for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Oracle PRP Testing Progress

FA Support is currently working on the latest release of bugs from Oracle to address some of the known issues already presented in previous PRPs.

There will continue to be adjustments from the Department of Education (ED) and requisite coding changes from Oracle, so this effort will be ongoing as FA Support waits for further releases from Oracle.

Thank you,


[image005.jpg] Grant Rodeheaver
Deputy Executive Director / CIO, IT Division
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
grodeheaver at sbctc.edu<mailto:grodeheaver at sbctc.edu> • o: 360-704-3939
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> • Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> • Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

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