[King_County_Workforce_Outreach_Council] Follow up on King County Workforce Outreach Council Summer Meeting

Hisatake, Amber Amber.Hisatake at lwtech.edu
Tue May 7 08:32:59 PDT 2024

Aloha All,

Thank you to all who were able to attend the King County Workforce Outreach Council Spring meeting last week.  Attached are the meeting minutes (Thank you for doing this BrynDel) and below are links to upcoming college events.  Please feel free to share these with your students and colleagues.

Weds. 5/8/24: 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.: Bellevue College Annual Spring Career Fair<https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/careers/job-fair-2024/>
Weds. 5/15/24 - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Lake Washington Institute of Technology's 2024 Spring Job & Internship Fair<https://www.lwtech.edu/calendar/featured-events/job-fair/>

Additionally, we are being invited a portion of the King County Workforce Education Council meeting next week Monday, May 20th to discuss ways in which we can collaborate with one another on outreach efforts to promote Workforce programs as a whole.  More to come on this and be on the lookout for a forwarded invite from me soon to join us!

Amber Hisatake
Workforce Development - Assistant Director of Recruitment, Outreach, and Employment
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
(425) 739-8204
Amber.Hisatake at lwtech.edu<mailto:Amber.Hisatake at lwtech.edu>

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