[Wactclc-primo] Chrome blocking Primo search tabs

Ryer Banta ryer.banta at centralia.edu
Mon Jun 1 11:25:38 PDT 2020

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the heads up on this issue. I just did a test search on Chrome on Android from Centralia’s homepage Primo search form and didn’t have a problem. Ours opens in the same window.

I did replicate the issue on EDCC’s search. Are you all really committed to opening a new tab? I think it’s acceptable to open it within the same window.

Your Primo JS contains some extra bits at the end (compared to mine), which I’m guessing you implemented for the new tab behavior. I’m not totally sure if my JS is the latest and greatest, it looks mostly the same as yours, but there are some variations.

Ryer Banta
Information Literacy and Technology Librarian
Pronouns: he/him/his
Centralia College
Ryer.Banta at centralia.edu<mailto:Ryer.Banta at centralia.edu>

From: Wactclc-primo <wactclc-primo-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> on behalf of Daniel Moore <daniel.moore at email.edcc.edu>
Reply-To: WACTCLC Primo discussions <wactclc-primo at lists.ctc.edu>
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 2:53 PM
To: WACTCLC Primo discussions <wactclc-primo at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: [Wactclc-primo] Chrome blocking Primo search tabs

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Hey all,

We've had a user report that, when starting a Primo search using the search form on our library's website, that a new tab is appearing with "about:blank" in the URL bar instead of search results. You can go back to the first tab and then manually open the pop up. Our Primo form opens up a new tab, but this new tab is being blocked by Chrome. Searching from the main library website is working in Firefox and Safari.

I've been looking into recent Chrome updates and have only found mention of security updates Google engineers have released for Chrome. According to some tech writers, Chrome has had some vulnerable code based on dependencies going back decades. Maybe this more aggressive pop up blocker is manifesting as a response to those code edits.

Our search form is similar to many other CTC schools, so I believe this issue is impacting others. I'll continue looking into this today, as I hope there's a quick fix we can deploy. Because the Android browser is Chrome, this problem is occurring on mobile Android devices, and we know that so many students are accessing course content with their mobile devices anyways... this could be impacting a large set of users.


Dan Moore
Systems and Collections Librarian
Edmonds Community College Library
(425) 640-1526
Pronouns: he, him, his
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