[Wactclc-primo] sbctc enrollment report

Guidry, Wade WadeG at bigbend.edu
Mon May 6 09:29:33 PDT 2019

You may already receive this report internally, so apologies for any duplication.

However, I feel like it's important information of which to be aware for any CTC employee, library or otherwise.

For libraries, the relevant question is probably about what library services look like for the parts of enrollment that are growing, vs the parts that are in decline.

For me, and for those of you serving as Alma / Primo institutional leads, the question is... what impact does this data have on how and where to apply library services platforms strategically, for their most effective use?

(What the data below doesn't show, which should be available elsewhere, is what do the declines / increases look like geographically.)

I don't claim to have the answers. But I feel these are good questions to consider.

From: Carli Schiffner [mailto:cschiffner at sbctc.edu]
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 6:58 AM
Subject: Winter allocation and enrollment monitoring reports

ATTENTION: This email contains links. Please follow best practices before clicking on links

 Good Morning!
In Winter 2019, colleges enrolled 152,905 full-time equivalent students (FTES) all fund sources, down 2 percent (-3,598 FTES) from Winter 2018.  Winter quarter enrollments for state-supported students were slightly lower than projections based on fall quarter enrollments.  The system is now projected to end the school year with 124,095 state-supported FTES for adults and 23,513 FTES for Running Start for a total of 147,608 state supported FTES.

Enrollments in Winter 2019 were up for:

  *   Apprenticeship: 4,364 FTES, up 15 percent (554 FTES)
  *   Applied Baccalaureate: 3,459 FTES from 28 colleges offering 92 programs, up 18 percent (527 FTES)
  *   eLearning: 51,044 FTES, up 6 percent (2,705 FTES)
  *   I-BEST: 2,705 FTES, up by less than 1 percent (2 FTES)

  *   Running Start: 23,743 FTES, up 7 percent (1,612 FTES)
  *   Worker Retraining: 6,263 FTES, up 7 percent (390 FTES)

Enrollments in Winter 2019 were down for:

  *   Basic Education for Adults: 14,446 FTES, down 7 percent (-1,170 FTES)
  *   Basic Food, Employment and Training (BFET): 4,455 FTES, down 7 percent (-347 FTES)
  *   International students (All Funds): 9,385 FTES, down 12 percent (-1,295 FTES)
  *   International Contract: 6,483 FTES, down 5 percent (-309 FTES)
  *   Workfirst: 1,649 FTES, down 12 percent (-215 FTES)

For college level data, here is the link to the page with the allocation and enrollment monitoring reports<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/research/annual-reports-archive/enrollment.aspx>.

Please contact Devin DuPree, SBCTC research associate, ddupree at sbctc.edu<mailto:ddupree at sbctc.edu> if you have questions about these data.

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager, WACTCLC
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>
(509) 760-4474

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