[LIBRARYDIR] SEND: Accreditation questions

Ventura, Gerie gventura at highline.edu
Wed May 8 10:29:19 PDT 2024

Hello all:

Michael Brown, SBCTC Director, Educational Resources and Innovation, has asked me to send this out to all of you:

Hello Everyone! On the upcoming VP orientation scheduled for Thursday, May 16th, 8:00-9:30a.m., Dr. Ed Harri, Senior Vice President at the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), and I will be presenting a session on accreditation.

Please email directly to Roma Bert, Assistant to the Deputy Exec Director, Education, with any questions/topics you would like us to address during the session: rbert at sbctc.edu

You and your college will remain anonymous. The session will include topics that include but are not limited to: (a) major issues facing colleges during accreditation visits (i.e. Mid-cycle/EIE) and how to prepare for a visit, (b) effectively meeting the 2020 NWCCU standards at your institution and creating a culture of continuous improvement, (c) addressing questions from those of you participating on a peer-evaluation team or interested in doing so, and (d) discussing other topics that come to mind.

Joyce Hammer
Deputy Executive Director, Education

So PLEASE send an email to Roma Bert if you have ANY of those questions about Accreditation (and any other questions). I know that this topic came up at the last LLC meeting, so here is your chance to get some questions answered for your library!

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