[LIBRARYDIR] Lyrasis and product discounts

Martin, Jeff jeff.martin at sos.wa.gov
Tue May 1 13:03:21 PDT 2018

It is time to renew our Lyrasis membership. We are trying to determine if the cost of our membership provides sufficient benefit to the Washington library community to justify the $2,450 we pay annually.

We know that the savings on training over the course of the year only amount to roughly $400. Typically there is a $25 differential between the member price for training and the non-member price.

So the question becomes, how many of you tap into vendor discounts and are they enough for the Washington State Library to continue our membership. Please let me know if you use the vendor discounts and if yes, provide a rough estimate of your savings over the course of a year. If you don't use Lyrasis, let me know that also. Public library director's their staff sometimes use training but rely on other means for vendor discounts.

Our next term is July 2018 - June 2019.

More information on Lyrasis, the vendors who offer discounts through Lyrasis and other benefits are found at https://www.lyrasis.org/membership/Pages/Communities/Group%20Participants/Washington-State-Library.aspx.

Please reply by this Friday May 4th. Based on your response, or lack of one, we will make a determination to continue or not. Either way I will let you know how we proceed.

JEFF MARTIN Manager, Library Development
Washington State Library | Office of the Secretary of State
~~ Connecting Washington through the power of libraries ~~

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