[LIBRARYDIR] BAS Degrees - Market impact articles

Vivienne Mcclendon vivienne.mcclendon at bellevuecollege.edu
Wed Apr 18 10:30:22 PDT 2018

These may interest you:

1.     No, community colleges offering 4-year degrees does not hurt neighboring 4-year campuses<http://link.educationdive.com/click/12908996.7405/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZWR1Y2F0aW9uZGl2ZS5jb20vbmV3cy9uby1jb21tdW5pdHktY29sbGVnZXMtb2ZmZXJpbmctNC15ZWFyLWRlZ3JlZXMtZG9lcy1ub3QtaHVydC1uZWlnaGJvcmluZy00LS81MjE0ODYv/594d86a7ff530a73538b63b9Ba9cf5b2c>

A study of Florida's community colleges that offer baccalaureate degrees shows no adverse impact on nearby four-year institutions, but there was a negative trend in the for-profit sector.

2.    For-profit colleges lose when two-year colleges offer B.A. degrees


Dr. Vivienne McClendon, Ph.D., MLIS
Dean, Library & eLearning
Bellevue College, D260H
3000 Landerholm Cir. SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
Office: 425-564-3056
vivienne.mcclendon at bellevuecollege.edu<mailto:vivienne.mcclendon at bellevuecollege.edu>

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