[LIBRARYDIR] reciprocal borrowing clarification question

Bates, Aryana Aryana.Bates at seattlecolleges.edu
Thu Nov 16 11:49:01 PST 2017

hello library leaders,

Here's a query relating to https://libraryleadershipcouncil.wikispaces.com/file/detail/january+2017+RECIPROCAL+BORROWING+STATEMENT.docx

In particular:

"Participating libraries will assist each other in retrieving overdue materials, including suspension of borrower’s library privileges and placement of holds on college transcripts."

The query:

This doesn't make it clear exactly *who* is responsible for collecting replacement fees for lost items-- the library that owns the lost item, or the home library of the patron who lost the item.

What Seattle Colleges are interested in doing:

Implement a policy/procedure such that when a reciprocal borrower fails to return library material, the borrower's home library pays the replacement cost of the item(s) directly to us, and then seek reimbursement from the patron (as happens with ILL).

The question:

Is this acceptable policy/procedure?

Thanks for feedback.


Aryana Bates, MLS, PhD

Dean of the Library, eLearning, TLC

North Seattle College

aryana.bates at seattlecolleges.edu


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