[Lcta] 10/18/24 Meeting

Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services) jltaylor at clark.edu
Fri Oct 18 14:58:33 PDT 2024

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the great attendance and involvement at our meeting today.  I have created a Team Site that hopefully, you have all received an invite for.  If you have not, please feel free to email me to let me know. Also, here is a link to the Team: Learning & Tutoring Center Council | General | Microsoft Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AWQAFUvSOzmfRB9JzirB5-TNpeUo_mOjlJod2UMZ6-881%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=b96824b9-a209-44e5-8ca2-1e4835424987&tenantId=f00c0413-1d6c-437c-869f-4b4d01ab65ed>

You will find all the information and documents shared and discussed today there.  I have also attached the minutes from our meeting here.

Thank you,

Janice L. Taylor (she/her)
Program Manager, Clark College Tutoring Services

Office: FHL 202, Mail Stop: FHL 222
Direct Line: (360)992-2773
Email: jltaylor at clark.edu
"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color." - Maya Angelou

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