[Lcta] LTCA Fall 2023 Meeting
Rudenskjold, Lyall
lrudenskjold at highline.edu
Mon Oct 9 12:07:42 PDT 2023
Hello Colleagues,
We are happy to announce and invite you to the Fall quarter LTCA meeting, which will be held virtually on Friday, October 20 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. We'll be sharing on a number of topics, including the effects and merits of various institutional responses to the 1050 rule, along with center use promotion, tutor training, and other items. Refer to the attached agenda for the full run-down. The Zoom link for the meeting is below, in the attached meeting agenda and included in this meeting invite.
Meeting Zoom Link: https://tacomacc-edu.zoom.us/j/4692464896?pwd=TU83RW1XeDhUVzVuZFhaNko2QjhmUT09
Bring your comments, questions, and ideas for the group, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back!
Best regards,
Your LTCA board members
Lindsey Powers - Bellevue College
Lyall Rudenskjold - Highline College
Shannon Pressley - Tacoma Community College
Ward Ryder - South Seattle College
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