[GuidedPathways] FW: Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering Workshop Kickoff Recording / Follow-up

Kristi Wellington Baker kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu
Mon Mar 4 22:20:17 PST 2019

Please see below for information regarding the upcoming business process requirements gathering workshop webinar and pre-work template.
Reminder: Colleges are allowed to register 3 team members who will represent their college business processes, and should coordinate those through their executive leadership team.
We look forward to seeing you all in April.

Anytime we do the work of love, we end the work of domination.
-Bell Hooks

Kristi Wellington-Baker | Student Success Center Director
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
p: 360.704.1022 | c: 509.301.8466 | kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu<mailto:kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu>
Assistant Camellia Brossard |o: 360-704-4390 E cbrossard at sbctc.edu<mailto:cbrossard at sbctc.edu>
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> • Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> • Facebook: @WASBCTC

From: Ligia Cicos <ligia.cicos at email.edcc.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 12:25 PM
To: aursino at columbiabasin.edu; andrew.glass at ghc.edu; april.ake at lwtech.edu; bradley.nuxoll at cptc.edu; brandon.rogers at cptc.edu; Culver, Brian <bculver at cascadia.edu>; Lee, Brian <brian.lee at cptc.edu>; bhattendorf at pencol.edu; Camella Morgan <cmorgan at greenriver.edu>; Christina Castorena <christina.castorena at edcc.edu>; Dickerson, Deborah <deborah.dickerson at sfcc.spokane.edu>; diana.herrmann at wwcc.edu; dhaugen at tacomacc.edu; 'ehayes at lowercolumbia.edu' (ehayes at lowercolumbia.edu) <ehayes at lowercolumbia.edu>; elizabeth.grant at centralia.edu; estam at everettcc.edu; greg.dempsey at seattlecolleges.edu; hwasem at columbiabasin.edu; jscanlon at highline.edu; kcollen at pencol.edu; krittersmith at everettcc.edu; kgulliford at tacomacc.edu; lantczak at spscc.edu; msultan at tacomacc.edu; pamela.jeter at cptc.edu; peter.lortz at seattlecolleges.edu; rezeonu at greenriver.edu; sally.jackson at sfcc.spokane.edu; suzanne.ames at lwtech.edu; tlopez at highline.edu; Thomas Mankovich <tmankovich at sbctc.edu>; whall at lowercolumbia.edu; andrew.feldman at sfcc.spokane.edu; cpomeroy at rtc.edu; CHRISSY.DAVIS at sfcc.spokane.edu; Cordas, Daniel <daniel.cordas at seattlecolleges.edu>; dean.kelly at cptc.edu; Dutrisac, Gordon <gdutrisac at cascadia.edu>; kasman at spscc.edu; Kbilletdeaux at columbiabasin.edu; lschumacher at columbiabasin.edu; sashpole at spscc.edu
Cc: Kristi Wellington Baker <kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu>; Camellia Brossard <cbrossard at sbctc.edu>; Joanne Munroe <jmunroe at sbctc.edu>; Dani Bundy <dbundy at sbctc.edu>; Christina Castorena <christina.castorena at email.edcc.edu>; Charlie Crawford <charlie.crawford at email.edcc.edu>; Danielle Carnes <danielle.carnes at email.edcc.edu>; EVA Smith <eva.smith at email.edcc.edu>; Beth Farley <beth.farley at email.edcc.edu>; Hengst, Linnea E <Linnea.Hengst at seattlecolleges.edu>; Christy Campbell <ccampbell at sbctc.edu>
Subject: Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering Workshop Kickoff Recording / Follow-up

Hello everyone,

Thank you to those able to attend the Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering workshop kickoff conference call. Below are a few links for your reference:

1.    Kickoff Presentation: Link<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CeBkAM9pYLjP2s_7d1vnwoqlj6q5F3pDBcbv69fEb80/edit#slide=id.p>

2.    Kickoff Zoom Recording: Link<https://zoom.us/recording/share/rNXmmd-LtV5FJ3W_ChAXO8c4KPAvEXKgMVeX3tqi1hewIumekTziMw> (~38 minutes)

3.    Preparation Instructions and Template: Link<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TagIImJNtuJKMd9Xi9oIhzUkwDVKNv1i7E0A0B29y9E/edit#gid=355241758>

Preparing for the initial workshop and following the preparation guidelines will be very important. Please let Daniel and I know if you have any questions or need any help as you start that process.

If your team hasn't registered for the first workshop yet, please add your contact information HERE<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2WJQXJ3> (please note the date change). The first workshop will be held at the Spokane Convention Center. A room block has been requested at the Davenport Grand Hotel.

Please make a note of the date change, we look forward to working with all of you on April 29 - May 1 in Spokane!

Your facilitators,

Daniel Cordas (Project Director, Seattle Colleges)

& Ligia Cicos (Director, Organizational Change and Project Management, Edmonds Community College)


Original Invite:


This email is being sent to all of the presidents and chancellors in our system.

As most of you may have heard, there has been significant discussion over the last 18 months about the technology needs for full implementation of the Guided Pathways Framework.  The Student Success Center and ctcLink project are coming together to address the system need through a series of requirements gathering workshops with a focus on the following objectives:

1.     Build a holistic set of functional requirements to support implementation of Guided Pathways at all colleges.

2.     Provide a foundation for a comparison of those functional requirements to systems implemented and configured by SBCTC as part of ctcLink.

3.     Identify which requirements are met through ctcLink and which are not.

The results from this work will be an input into SBCTC’s Strategic Technology Committee, and will be the framework for conversations around SBCTC core technologies.


We need your leadership team to select 2-3 representatives and subject-matter experts from your college to attend a Guided Pathways requirements gathering workshop.

We are asking each college to select 2 to 3 representatives to attend both workshops. The ideal participants would have familiarity with the Guided Pathways framework, knowledge of their own college’s Guided Pathways approach, and have an in-depth understanding of student services and instruction programs and processes.

As part of preparing for this workshop, participants will also be asked to interview front-line advisors, students, and faculty at their college (participants will be provided guiding questions) in preparation for the workshop, in order to provide the most accurate information regarding business processes at each college.


Workshop 1:    April 29 - May 1 in Spokane, Washington

Workshop 2:    Summer, 2019 – Location TBD


Once identified, participants must register here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2WJQXJ3>.

Kick-Off Conference Call/ Webinar

We also have scheduled a kick-off call to answer questions, and review the preparation materials for March 1 at 11:00.

Participants should register here<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=0yny8x9rv9ekj41jnxz10pn7g38mnf7nrdmdpjwgp75pjcssazh4> for the conference call/ webinar.

Requirements Gathering Approach

Our two tasks are 1) Determining the requirements for Guided Pathways implementation and in the following months 2) Analyzing how they are met by ctcLink.

This invitation is for the first workshop, during which we will focus on developing the common process and functional requirements. At the conclusion of this workshop, the functional requirements will be forwarded to SBCTC’s ctcLink project team to analyze how ctcLink meets the requirements over the following 2-3 months.

The workshops will be facilitated by Daniel Cordas from Seattle Colleges and Ligia Cicos from Edmonds Community College who have together facilitated 20+ successful Common Process Workshops.

At a subsequent workshop in Summer 2019, ctcLink staff will present how those requirements may (or may not) be met in PeopleSoft 9.2 and connected systems.

Participants will then be asked to agree on whether the requirements are met. For more information on the approach, click here<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1CMX86taWsjMkzhowe6APTaFR2_9bWaTPaZjU1QFEeHo%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing&data=02%7C01%7C%7C0765fae8390d4d78ad0608d692a9c17a%7C02d8ff38d7114e31a9156cb5cff788df%7C0%7C0%7C636857655134883393&sdata=RusaGfY0EEw1AlKcY25VhdHEDrSIfBoD72VbqNf4Tf0%3D&reserved=0>.

Workshop Design

The requirements gathering workshop will build upon previous Guided Pathways activities and make use of a modified version of the Common Process Workshop (CPW) design. We have created a unique format for this workshop but will use several CPW workshop concepts:

·       Using small group work to create shared understanding

·       Using process maps to define a best-practice

·       A voting rule that asks that decisions have the support of 80% of participating colleges

Thank you for your assistance in selecting the best candidates to provide the most robust outcome.  Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to working together to find solutions that work for our system.

The Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering Planning Team

·       Dani Bundy, ctcLink project Organizational Change Mgmt. Coordinator

·       Ligia Cicos, CPW Facilitator/ Edmonds College Project and Organizational Change Manager

·       Daniel Cordas, CPW Facilitator/ Seattle Colleges ctcLink Project Director

·       Tom Mankovich, SBCTC Policy Research Associate

·       JoAnne Munroe, SBCTC Community of Practice Coordinator

·       Kristi Wellington-Baker, SBCTC Student Success Center Director

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.

-Cornel West

Kristi Wellington-Baker | Student Success Center Director

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges

1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495

Olympia, WA 98504-2495

p: 360.704.1022 | c: 509.301.8466 | kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu<mailto:kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu>

Assistant Camellia Brossard |o: 360-704-4390 E cbrossard at sbctc.edu<mailto:cbrossard at sbctc.edu>

sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> • Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> • Facebook: @WASBCTC
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