[Etag] Rough budget estimates

Lentini, Marc mlentini at highline.edu
Mon May 20 10:50:06 PDT 2024

Hi folks,

Here’s a presentation spreadsheet version for the ELC meeting<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1okqZnBAHDS-eKGCtJjNLS_qjTK-2SXPdA4HBOT6akY0/edit#gid=0> this week. Please double-check my numbers. I plan to make this a view-only option for participants, so no one messes up the formulas. I think I’ll set up one that people can mess with too.


Marc Lentini | he.him.his
Director of Educational Technology
Highline College | mlentini at highline.edu<mailto:mlentini at highline.edu> | (206) 592-3778
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