[ctcLink-Accessibility] NOTICE: Legacy Transcripts Application Integrated with Okta, effective Oct. 12, 2023

SBCTC-IT Mail itmail at sbctc.edu
Wed Oct 11 14:42:22 PDT 2023

SBCTC-ITD Memorandum
Date:                October 11, 2023
From:               Ray Gartner

To:                    Admissions and Registration Council [ARC]

Committee for Accessible Technology Oversight [CATO]

ctcLink Accessibility

ctcLink College Leaders [PoC]

ctcLink Security [LSA]

ctcLink Support List Campus Solutions [CS]

Information Technology Commission [ITC]

IT Security [ITSEC]

Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges [WACTC PRES]

Washington State Student Services Commission [WSSSC]

Subject:           Legacy Transcripts Application Integrated with Okta, effective Oct. 12, 2023

Dear College Community:
We are pleased to announce the Legacy Transcripts application will be secured with Okta multifactor authentication (MFA) on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023.
What’s changing?
Legacy Transcripts users will notice a change in the application’s behavior the evening of Thursday, Oct. 12, when users will be required to use Okta MFA to log in.
This means those ctcLink system users granted security access to use the Legacy Transcripts application will now be redirected to Okta to access Legacy Transcripts.
In addition, a Legacy Transcripts tile will appear in their ctcLink Okta My Account<https://myaccount.ctclink.us/> page in the My Apps section.
What about LegacyLink?
LegacyLink users will not notice any change. Since it launched, LegacyLink application users have already needed to use Okta at log-in. A LegacyLink tile appears in the My Apps section of their ctcLink Okta My Account<https://myaccount.ctclink.us/> page.
Additional Release Notes
In addition to the Okta integration, other issues reported by users were also addressed in this release:

  *   Issues related to specific college transcripts:
     *   Double space in student name removed
     *   Repeat Class Suppression Checkbox for Unofficial Transcript (web view)
     *   Term Sort Order
  *   Accessibility fixes for Screen Reader:
     *   Provide a succinct year, with no blank or edit values when correcting transcript data.
     *   Announcement of message that an account has been unmerged.
     *   Fixed Read Order (Name, SSN, SID) was reading labels first, then content, now reads each field label, then content for that label.
Security Reference Links
For more information on how to access instructions for managing secure access to the Legacy products please visit the ctcLink Reference Center:

  *   Legacy Access<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/117648>
  *   Legacy Applications Security Administration<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/117648/l/1690481-legacy-applications-security-administration>
Stay tuned and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 
Thank you,
[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Ray Gartner (he, him, his)
Application Services Director
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
rgartner at sbctc.edu<mailto:rgartner at sbctc.edu> • o: 360-704-1067 • c: 206-963-3256

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