[BFET] FW: Contingency planning

Mat Carlisle mcarlisle at sbctc.edu
Tue Jun 27 11:57:53 PDT 2017

Good morning.
I wanted to forward this along to you, so you would have a clear idea of how the lack of an approved state budget would impact BFET and RISE, along with other Workforce Ed programs.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

From: DeanInstr [mailto:deaninstr-bounces at lists.ctc.edu] On Behalf Of Jan Yoshiwara
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:02 AM
To: Instruction Commission (deaninstr at lists.ctc.edu)
Cc: Susan Wanager; Joe Holliday; Jon Kerr; John Boesenberg
Subject: [Deaninstr] Contingency planning


As most of you are probably aware, the Legislature has yet to reach agreement on a new two-year budget to take effect July 1.  We remain optimistic that the Legislature will reach a budget agreement by June 30.  Both the House and Senate recognize the importance of higher education to students' lives and to our quality of life here in Washington.
That said, it's our responsibility to notify you about the impact on federal and state funded grants, contracts, and financial aid in the event that SBCTC does not have an appropriation by July 1.
Contingency Plans:  Your college and SBCTC have contingency plans in place.  Through the use of non-appropriated funds, the colleges and State Board will continue operations and serving students.  Your budget office can provide more specific information, including whether or not program-supported tuition payments can be put on hold until the budget is approved.
Federal Funds:
*         Perkins - WTECB will honor all allowable expenditures as of July 1 as soon as the state has a budget.
*         BFET and RISE - DSHS will reimburse expenditures after the Legislature enacts a budget.  However, colleges will not be reimbursed for any expenditures during the period of no state budget unless the legislative budget is retroactive to July 1.  EJAS will not be available to check on eligibility of students as of July 1 - so colleges cannot be reimbursed for support services nor participant reimbursement costs.
*         WorkFirst - DSHS will reimburse expenditures after the Legislature enacts a budget.  However, colleges will not be reimbursed for any expenditures during the period of no state budget unless the legislative budget is retroactive to July 1.  EJAS will not be available for staff use. TANF recipients will continue to receive their Federal TANF grant (Not State). Students will not have access to any WorkFirst support services and will not be required to participate in any WorkFirst activity.

State Funds
*         ALL state-funded programs, including (but not limited to) Worker Retraining, Opportunity Grants, Early Achiever Grants, Corrections Education, Job Skills, HEET, and Workforce Development grants are subject to budget approval, and as a result we cannot allocate or grant funds until the Legislature completes its work.
We expect that if the budget has not been approved by June 30th, the legislature will make the budget (when they do pass it) retroactive so that costs incurred as of July 1st will be covered.  However, there is no guarantee funding will be made retroactive.
Payments for student wrap-around services such as transportation, emergency food/utilities/rent or child care will be dependent on non-appropriated funding available at your college.  Please work with your business office and collage leadership to understand what options exist for students.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and it is still our hope that we will receive a budget agreement by June 30.

Let us know if you have any questions.


Jan Yoshiwara
Deputy Executive Director for Education Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
1300 Quince Street SE
Olympia WA  98504-2495

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