[Wactclc-alma] 1 year long loans

Yasuda, Naoko nyasuda at highline.edu
Wed Jul 21 14:38:59 PDT 2021

Hi all,

Does anyone offer year-long loans for any of the materials the library checks out? Our IT asked us to catalog laptops that can be checked out for a year with the due date of 6/30/22. However, the expiration date in most of our user records is 3 months out, and I know we can't check out any item past the expiration date, regardless of TOUs. I'm wondering if the only way to allow year-long loans is to extend the expiration date to a year out? Or can I set up an auto loan renewal rule to allow the loan to renew automatically until 6/30/22, in which case I don't have to extend the expiration date to 6/30/22?

I'd appreciate any information you could share!

Thank you,
Highline College
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