[Wactclc-alma] User role to edit patron role expiry date

Tammy Siebenberg tsiebenberg at yvcc.edu
Fri Oct 4 17:36:13 PDT 2019

For our circulation desk I have created an internal patron called Raymond Circdesk (ID: circraymond) as the login and have given that user the following roles: Circulation Desk Manager, Circulation Desk Operator, Patron, and Requests Operator.

Today using that computer one of my staff members created a new internal patron for a community member and then tried to check out a book to her.  The book would not check out because there was a problem with the customer's patron role.  I determined that the patron role has status date of today (which it should be cause it was created today) and an expiry date of today, even though we set the customer's expiry and purge dates for one year in advance.  Using the circdesk login, we could not edit the patron role to remove the expiry date.

I finally went to my computer with all my admin roles and was able to change the expiry date and check out the book.

I then edited the Raymond Circdesk recorded and added the User Manager role, but when I tested it at the circulation desk, I still could not edit the customer's patron role.

*         Why did Alma set the patron role expiry date to the date the patron record was created?  I would prefer it left the expiry date blank or, if necessary, set it to the patron's expiry date.

*         What role do I need to give my circulation desk login so my staff can remove the expiry date from the patron role if this continues to happen?  I don't remember this problem occurring in the past when we made new internal user records.


Tammy R. Siebenberg, MLIS
Director - Library & Media Services
Yakima Valley College
tsiebenberg at yvcc.edu<mailto:tsiebenberg at yvcc.edu>
Hispanic-Serving Institution

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