[Wactclc-alma] Primo VE display of local subject headings

Elena Bianco Elena.Bianco at skagit.edu
Fri Feb 8 11:18:24 PST 2019

So, we've discovered that Primo VE is apparently not displaying our 690 local subject headings. This used to work in Primo. It's just not showing up in VE.

I've gone into the Discovery Configuration Display Fields and mucked around with trying to add a Local Field. I added a local field 690, and I also went in and messed with the Normalization Rule for display of Subject headings to add a stanza about the 690's. However, my regex abilities are rudimentary at best, and I was winging it, just copying and pasting stuff from above and replacing other field numbers with 690.  It let me save it, so I figured it was correct. However, they are still not showing up, so I think I didn't do something right - or maybe I completely missed where I'm supposed to set up display of local fields.

Has anyone else configured this yet to display your local fields? If so, can you please help with figuring out how to do this?

Thanks in advance!


Elena Bianco

Systems & Technical Services Librarian

Skagit Valley College Library

2405 E. College Way

Mount Vernon, WA 98273

(360) 416-7624

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