[Wactclc-alma] Employee data imported into ALMA

Nadine Pavlov NPavlov at greenriver.edu
Wed Feb 28 15:03:02 PST 2018

2.            In Green River, we've found out recently that it is useful to have home address for the staff users in Alma. Even though we send all kind of notifications via email, we have decided to print out and send the "lost Items letter" by mail. You know, sometimes people are not good in checking their emails  :) . Of course it would be easier to send those letters for staff users to their office locations... But here is a problem, most of the time, the staff members who have lost library items may not be currently at the campus. They might teach online, or they teach part-time and don't come to the campus often. We had couple patrons who had long overdue items... Emails, letters to the office did not help... BUT,  as soon as we mailed the "lost items letter"  to their home addresses, we got our books back!


Nadine Pavlov
Circulation Supervisor
Holman Library
(253) 833-9111 Ext. 2088

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