[Wactclc-alma] Employee data imported into ALMA

Sally Sheedy SSheedy at whatcom.edu
Mon Feb 26 12:52:32 PST 2018

Dear wise ones,

I am putting out a call for some "how you do it at your library" responses.

1.       I want to know which colleges have employee home addresses and/or home phone numbers for their employees in Alma.

As I understand the SBCTC process parameters, you can indicate that you don't want to copy over home addresses or home phone numbers if those fields are designated as confidential. Further, I believe that in order to prevent any of this data from going into Alma, the HR department would have to code all of the employees as having confidential addresses and phone numbers.  *Please let me know if I am wrong about this.*

2.       I would like to know if you make use of this data, eg. Send notices to employees' homes, or look up home phone numbers in case you need to call after hours.



Sally Sheedy
Systems Librarian
Whatcom Community College Library
237 West Kellogg Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
360-383-3287  (library 3300, college 3000)
ssheedy at whatcom.edu

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