[LIBRARYDIR] FW: Spring Guided Pathways Student Success Institute - Wednesday, April 12th

Ventura, Gerie GVENTURA at highline.edu
Thu Apr 6 14:25:54 PDT 2023

Hello all:

I found out about this yesterday. Sigh.

Maybe ask your campus Guided Pathways lead about it....

I was interested to see that in the Agenda that "Suggested team composition" reads:

Instruction & Student Services Leadership, Institutional Research Representative, Chairs, Deans, Multicultural Director, Diversity and Equity Officer, faculty, student services directors, advisors, navigators, technology team members, E-learning members, Library Leadership Council, Career and Employment Services Council team members, faculty, and staff from your college. Teams of 10-12 minimum per college.

We had an LLC exec team meeting today and I asked if they had heard about it....the answer was No. Sigh.

FYI and Happy Thursday,

Library Director
Highline College


The Spring Guided Pathways Student Success Institute is next Wednesday, April 12th.  The highlight of the Spring Institute will be the invitation of the National Equity Project (NEP) team. The NEP will be helping us breathe Tapping Into our Agency, Listening, and Leadership for our Guided Pathways work by helping us further develop those skill sets. Further, we will have an opportunity in June 2023 (for those interested) to engage in other scopes of using an equity foundation to practice our Guided Pathways work.  Lastly, following the NEP session in the morning, we will engage with our CTC system colleagues on learning ways we can or believe we have used these skillsets to build or continue the momentum for Guided Pathways Equity Strategy essential practices.

register here<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gszmcatk5acujpzjt834ef0sm69eg2w3g7s4gx7ywcx0zjbxwnww>.  It says registration closed yesterday but the link is still active.

Agenda - 2023 Spring Agenda - Guided Pathways Student Success Institute: Wednesday, April 12th - Google Docs<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XjyRBqKHaN-n0DPdKI0bsJv9GxMlo2NT_WzCkJn3ca4/edit>

Learning Outcomes:

  *   Further Develop the skillset needed to understand your sphere of influence by tapping into your agency in developing your ideas from concept to moving into discernment, accountability, and energy.
  *   Engage in Learning the practice of constructivist listening as a Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accountability, and Belonging practice that encourages and supports the needed conversations in demanding and emotionally challenging spaces.
  *   Share in Community ways you have can or have practiced principles in spaces for shifting enrollment, mapping to the next steps (operational cycles), new student orientation programming, faculty onboarding for student success, using data for Faculty Collaboration and change in Gateway courses.
If you are planning on attending there is some pre-reading (good stuff even if not attending).

Pre-read: Leading for Equity Framework<https://www.nationalequityproject.org/framework/leading-for-equity-framework>

Reflect on: (1) Where do I have some strengths and how does this show up for me in my leadership? (2) What feels important for my leadership, given the equity work I care about influencing this year and beyond?

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