[Etag] Updates on Instructure Negotiations/Canceling Tomorrow ETAG meeting

Michael Brown mbrown at sbctc.edu
Tue Apr 23 16:20:43 PDT 2024

Dear ETAG Members,

I am writing to share an update I received this afternoon from our Instructure CSM. Although I was optimistic about providing the necessary details for our discussion in tomorrow's ETAG meeting, it appears that we will need to defer this until the week of May 6th.

I emphasize the urgency of receiving this information swiftly, as it is essential for our strategic planning and decision-making processes. To ensure we are prepared for a productive dialogue with Instructure and their Higher Ed leadership during that week, ETAG Leadership and Abraham will convene with the stakeholders to reach a final consensus on moving forward. Given the postponement of these critical details and to facilitate better preparation, I am cancelling our meeting scheduled for tomorrow. This will give everyone some additional time to prepare for the upcoming discussions.

I will continue to keep all ETAG members informed throughout the negotiation process.

Thank you for your understanding and continued collaboration.


Michael A. Brown, Ph.D.

Pronouns: he, him, Beloved

Director of Educational Resources & Innovation

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

mbrown at sbctc.edu

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”(Maya Angelou)

From: Carolyn Lyons <carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 1:36 PM
To: Michael Brown <mbrown at sbctc.edu>
Cc: Margaret Stewart <mstewart at sbctc.edu>; Abraham Rocha <arocha at sbctc.edu>
Subject: Re: Updates on Negotiation Status

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the follow-up and for all of your work managing the SBCTC renewal with Instructure. We know there are lots of voices and constituencies that you are balancing.

I wanted to let you know that the "Canvas Performance Priorities Draft for Discussion with Instructure" document that you shared has been reviewed by the entire team working through this renewal. From that review, the team submitted a list of suggested deliverables to our Instructure Executive team for approval and feedback on what we can provide in the renewal contract. The deliverables all focus on key items that were outlined and suggested in the document. Examples include:

  *   An annual accessibility review with Instructure product/engineering team on current state of accessibility with Instructure products.
  *   Provide a document to SBCTC on how Instructure complies with WCAG AA standards.
  *   Provide a transparent timeline on when Canvas Credentials will have a VPAT.
  *   An annual invite to the chair of the eLearning Council to Instructure’s advisory council or tiger teams.
  *   Transparent product roadmaps as currently operated. If roadmap visibility changes, Instructure CPO commits to a conversation to the eLearning Council on our strategy with roadmap visibility.
  *   Continue monthly SBCTC eLearning webinar that shares critical Instructure updates related to product & company activities.
  *   Annually share Instructure’s ESG report<https://www.instructure.com/resources/ebooks/instructure-esg-report> to inform SBCTC how Instructure approaches critical diversity and social initiatives.
  *   Deliver a Quarterly Business Review that focuses on strategic initiatives outlined by SBCTC and how Instructure products and company are addressing these initiatives. Quarterly also reviews support TIR metrics.
  *   Pricing structures for the Instructure Learning Platform and Instructure's services.

We anticipate greater clarity on the path forward with these deliverables and pricing structures for SBCTC by the week of May 6th, but we wanted to outline to you how we transformed your priorities into specific deliverables that need to be considered in our renewal negotiation. I hope this information will be valuable as you prepare for your meeting tomorrow.

As a next step, we would like to schedule a meeting with Jay Fabian (VP of Higher Ed), Barry Kundert (Regional VP of Higher Ed), and Casey Sato (Director of Higher Ed Customer Success) the week of May 6th. I invite you to include some key members of your team to participate as well. Please let us know if you have any available times during that week so we can get a call scheduled with this group to present renewal options to SBCTC.

Given what is outlined above, I am going to cancel our scheduled sync for this Thursday (4/25) and plan that the next time we meet with be with the larger group. Please let me know if you have any questions as we move forward!


Carolyn Lyons | Customer Success Manager
E: carolyn.lyons at instructure.com<mailto:carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>
P: 435-538-3550
Upcoming OOO: May 2 & 3

[Sent from Front]
On April 23, 2024 at 10:46 AM MDT mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu> wrote:

Dear Carolyn,

I hope this email finds you well. As I prepare for a meeting with our stakeholders tomorrow, I am reaching out to check if there have been any recent updates or developments regarding the negotiations. It would be beneficial to share this information with the stakeholders in advance to facilitate a more informed discussion.

I thank you in advance and look forward to your response.


Michael A. Brown, Ph.D.

Pronouns: he, him, Beloved

Director of Educational Resources & Innovation

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”(Maya Angelou)

From: Carolyn Lyons <carolyn.lyons at instructure.com<mailto:carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 1:40 PM
To: Michael Brown <mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>>
Cc: Margaret Stewart <mstewart at sbctc.edu<mailto:mstewart at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: Re: Schedule next meeting..

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Hi Michael,

Hope your Friday is going well, and wanted to provide you an update. As we discussed during our last call, Katie and I have been working with our leadership to review the Canvas Performance Priorities list you provided, as well as the feedback we collected during our meeting at WACC. Our goal is to provide you with a response/actionable items that you can take back to your stakeholders. We have communicated the date of your upcoming ETAG meeting on April 24 and are pushing internally to have something tangible for you to share with the group before then.

We are also working to schedule a meeting with Instructure leadership and your key SBCTC stakeholders to assure we are aligned moving forward. It is unlikely we will be able to schedule this meeting prior to April 24 due to leadership travel schedules. Once we have confirmed who will be in attendance from Instructure, I will share that list with you and we can find a time that works for all relevant parties to attend.

>From here, I am committed to providing you with an update on Instructure's response prior to April 24. Given what I have outlined, I am not sure it make sense to set up another meeting with Katie, Karen and I; but best to channel our time and energy into an Instructure/SBCTC leadership call towards the end of April or early May. I hope this helps to give an idea of a timeline and what can be expected next. Please let me know if you have any questions from here and I will be in touch! Have a great weekend.


Carolyn Lyons | Customer Success Manager
E: carolyn.lyons at instructure.com<mailto:carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>
P: 435-538-3550

[Sent from Front]
On April 10, 2024 at 8:21 AM MDT mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu> wrote:

Thank you, Carolyn, for responding. I do recall our conversation as you've outlined.  I apologize for the miscommunication and look forward to connecting with you early next week.


Michael A. Brown, Ph.D.

Pronouns: he, him, Beloved

Director of Educational Resources & Innovation

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”(Maya Angelou)

From: Carolyn Lyons <carolyn.lyons at instructure.com<mailto:carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 2:24 PM
To: Margaret Stewart <mstewart at sbctc.edu<mailto:mstewart at sbctc.edu>>; Karen Stimson <karen.stimson at instructure.com<mailto:karen.stimson at instructure.com>>; Katie Coats <katie.coats at instructure.com<mailto:katie.coats at instructure.com>>
Cc: Michael Brown <mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: Re: Schedule next meeting..

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Hi Maggie,

Thanks for reaching out. We are still working through the Canvas Performance Priorities list and feedback from the group at during our meeting at WACC. Based on our last meeting, our goal is to have clear responses and pricing, which will take some time. I know Michael is meeting with the larger ETAG group on April 24th, and internally we are pushing to work within that timeframe, but at the moment we are not able schedule a specific next meeting. I will follow up by the end of this week at the latest with an update and please let me know if you need anything in the meantime.


Carolyn Lyons | Customer Success Manager
E: carolyn.lyons at instructure.com<mailto:carolyn.lyons at instructure.com>
P: 435-538-3550

[Sent from Front]
On April 9, 2024 at 10:40 AM MDT mstewart at sbctc.edu<mailto:mstewart at sbctc.edu> wrote:

Hello Carolyn, Katie, and Karen,

I am check in to schedule our next meeting. Do we have thoughts on if we will be meeting the week of the 15th or the following week?

Thank you in advance for your time. We look forward to connecting with you all again soon.

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Maggie Stewart

Pronouns: she|her|hers

Administrative Assistant III •Educational Resources & Innovation

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

mstewart at sbctc.edu<mailto:mstewart at sbctc.edu> • office: 360-704-1841• website: www.sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/default.aspx>

Click here for Educational Technology & Open Education Website and Resources<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/educational-technology-open-education/default.aspx>

SBCTC Vision

“Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives

within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities.”

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