[DEOC] [EXTERNAL] Request for DEI Funds

Hannah Simonetti hsimonetti at btc.edu
Thu Sep 21 09:28:23 PDT 2023

Hello Yvonne,

Below is the criteria for our DEI fund at BTC which folks can also find on our DEI Webpage<https://www.btc.edu/AboutBTC/DiversityatBTC.html>. Below the description is also the list of questions we ask. The fund is reviewed and approved by our participatory governance DEI Committee.

DEI Fund

Applications for the DEI Fund is closed for this academic year and will re-open in the fall!

What is the Bellingham Technical College (BTC) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Fund?

The BTC DEI Fund has been created to provide funding access to the campus-wide community to advance, support, and/or create engaged community around DEI work. Examples of items that the BTC DEI Fund could support include speaker fees, student/employee participation in training/professional development, student program development, and affinity group materials.

Please note that this is not a scholarship program for individual student tuition or basic needs. Those who need assistance financially for items such as rent, food, or books can find more information by visiting the Student Financial Resources page<https://www.btc.edu/CurrentStudents/FinancialResources/index.html>.

How do I apply for funding?

Apply using the DEI Fund Proposal form<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6ZM76N3>

Proposals must advance, support, and/or create engaged DEI with the goal of bridging the equity gap of historically underrepresented populations in education on the BTC campus. In alignment with RCW 28B.10.145<https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=28B.10.145&pdf=true> and RCW 28B.10.149<https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=28B.10.149&pdf=true>, DEI encourages proposals that advance racial justice and support members of our Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

BTC community members looking to receive funding must apply for funding at least 30 days in advance of needed funding. The proposal will be reviewed and approved by the DEI Committee at their bimonthly meetings.

The DEI Committee will prioritize the following proposals:

  *   Proposals that help to create connection and commitment to working with Lummi and/or Nooksack nations.
  *   Proposals that feature collaboration between students and employees, meaning both are involved in the decision-making and planning process.
  *   Proposals that engage with local community partners.
  *   New projects.
  *   Larger impact projects.
  *   Projects coming from participatory governance committees.

How much funding can someone apply for?

There is no set amount that someone can apply for. Funds are limited, and the DEI committee would like to distribute funds to as many DEI projects/programs as possible. The suggested amount is up to $2,000.

Who is eligible for funding?

All current BTC employees and students can apply for funding.


An end-of the year assessment describing the impact and effectiveness of the use of these funds will be required by all recipients. The DEI Committee will compile these assessments including the funding amount and will submit to PLT.

With which of the following groups do you identify? All that apply

  *   Student
  *   Employee-faculty
  *   Employee- administrator
  *   Employee- classified or non-administrative exempt

Please share the group, office, division, and/or program associated with the proposal, if any:
What is your email address
What is your phone number
How much Funding are you requesting?
Are you receiving funding or other financial support from other areas? Please share the source of additional funding.
Please share your budget details: (optional upload of document)
Why are you requesting DEI Funds?
If funded in what way(s) will you proposed project/activity forward DEI at BTC?

From: DEOC <deoc-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Yvonne Terrell-Powell via DEOC
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 9:19 AM
To: deoc at lists.ctc.edu
Cc: Yvonne Terrell-Powell <yvonne.terrellpowell at edmonds.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DEOC] Request for DEI Funds

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Good morning,

By chance would you have a form for campus members or committees to request DEI funds from your office. If so, could you please share it with me.

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