[corrections_edu_deans] Corrections Education Student Laptop Inventory Tracking Policy and Procedure Documentation

Andy Duckworth aduckworth at sbctc.edu
Thu Mar 7 11:07:23 PST 2024

Good Morning Everyone!

The team at SBCTC has developed policy and procedure documentation for inventory tracking of the new laptops<https://sbctcedu.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CorrectionsEducationIT/Shared%20Documents/Policies%20and%20Procedures/Student%20Laptop%20Inventory%20Tracking%20Policy.docx?d=weceab352e6094536af034efa7301355c&csf=1&web=1&e=ne2iSu>. Please review the document and let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

Also, we have created a new tool for tracking the laptop inventory<https://sbctcedu.sharepoint.com/:l:/r/sites/CorrectionsEducationIT/Lists/Corrections%20Education%20Student%20Laptop%20Inventory?e=aKQK5y>. We tried to incorporate all of the fields we found in the inventory spreadsheets you all recently sent us. Based on that there are a lot of fields in the list. Please review the tool and let us know if there are any fields missing or if you want the inventory fields reduced a bit.

The plan is to implement the new process next week. We will spend some time in our Tuesday meeting for some training on how to use the new inventory tool.

Andy Duckworth (he|him)

Technology Innovation Officer

w (360) 704-4311 c (253) 318-7586

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