[CATO] [EXTERNAL] - VPAT expertise, please?

Hayman, Douglass dhayman at olympic.edu
Mon Dec 18 14:17:57 PST 2023


The VPAT linked with:

Has a number of concerns.  I'd rather see partially supports with some honest shortcoming listed in the  remarks and explanations rather than many rows showing supports with nothing in that last column.

The evaluation method mentioned at the top of the VPAT is also shady and incomplete:

"Evaluation Methods Used: We employed both visual end product checks, code reviews and accessibility compliance tools use as the browser extension Siteimprove to better understand the gaps in our accessibility compliance."

This is where it should say that they tested with JAWS, Voiceover, NVDA or other screen readers.  That they did manual keyboard only testing and so on.  Better yet would be mention of a third-party firm with expertise in accessibility.

My takeaway is that if you proceed with the purchase, you'll be the accessibility tester.  And, you won't have someone internal to that company that truly knows accessibility enough to remedy the issues.  That or they'll give a non-binding promise to resolve those with the next release.

It might be worth reaching out to other institutions that have robust, well-funded accessibility positions and ask them.  I see that Harvard has this link:

Harvard hosts a well-respected monthly accessibility meeting over Zoom.  They have also done a lot with the HECVAT for accessibility and know what it takes to do thoughtful procurement.

Ditto with Berkeley

Perhaps the company has checked a box with having a VPAT available, and that it is just a poorly made VPAT.

Doug Hayman
IT Accessibility Coordinator
Information Technology
Olympic College
dhayman at olympic.edu<mailto:dhayman at olympic.edu>
(360) 475-7632

From: CATO <cato-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Jeannie Henkle via CATO
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 1:47 PM
To: cato at lists.ctc.edu
Cc: Jeannie Henkle <jHenkle at wvc.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] - [CATO] VPAT expertise, please?

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Greetings, CATO,

WACTCLC<https://libguides.bigbend.edu/WACTCLC>, a consortium of Washington CTC libraries, is looking at establishing a contract with LibKey (for a package inclusive of the full LibKey Suite<https://thirdiron.com/#products>: BrowZine Web Only, LibKey Discovery, LibKey Link, LibKey Nomad, LibKey.io. Their VPAT is linked below, and I'm wondering if anyone with greater VPAT knowledge than mine would be willing to peruse it and alert me to any major red flags?

Thank you,

Jeannie Henkle, MLIS<https://ischool.uw.edu/programs/mlis/what-is-library-science>
Director of Libraries & Learning Support Services
Wenatchee Valley College
Phone: (509) 682-6718
(she/her/hers pronouns)
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From: Hill, Carleigh <CarleighH at bigbend.edu<mailto:CarleighH at bigbend.edu>>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 1:37 PM
To: Jacquelyn Ray <jacquelyn.ray at wwcc.edu<mailto:jacquelyn.ray at wwcc.edu>>; Thomas, Kirsti <kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu>>; Lynn Deeken <ldeeken at everettcc.edu<mailto:ldeeken at everettcc.edu>>; abby koehler <akoehler at whatcom.edu<mailto:akoehler at whatcom.edu>>
Cc: Christie Flynn <CFlynn at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:CFlynn at pierce.ctc.edu>>; Fuhrman, Tim <timf at bigbend.edu<mailto:timf at bigbend.edu>>; Gerie Ventura <gventura at highline.edu<mailto:gventura at highline.edu>>; Jeannie Henkle <jHenkle at wvc.edu<mailto:jHenkle at wvc.edu>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: LibKey service agreement and invoice

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Here's the VPAT

Carleigh E. Hill (she/her)

Services Manager



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