[Wsssc] [SPAM] SBCTC Student Service WSSSC Updates & Materials

Lauren Hibbs lhibbs at sbctc.edu
Thu May 16 09:04:12 PDT 2024

Happy Spring WSSSC,

Thank you to Rob Cox, Bob, Nicole and Centralia College for hosting us for our spring commission meeting. On behalf of Student Services, attached and below include the resources that will be reviewed for the SBCTC and AAG Updates.

HB 2122 - Opioid Education and Awareness

  *   Policy and Implementation Guidance, attached.
  *   Q&A

Postsecondary Basic Needs Act: HB 1559

  *   WSAC Basic Need Survey, information attached for fall 2024 survey
  *   Strategic plan and hunger free campus
  *   Legislative report due Dec. 1. Report will center on the strategic plan and evaluating the success of the implementation of the Benefit Navigators.
  *   Additional resources<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-services/basic-needs/> for navigators, strategic plan, and meal pilot.

ASAP Planning Grant: Final Report and CUNY Student Panel Invitation (WSSSC Reps: Krista & Dean)

  *   This past year, WA was one of five states selected to participate in an ASAP planning grant. SBCTC, WSAC, Peninsula College, the Spokane Colleges, and Clover Park participated in the CUNY ASAP<https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/student-success-initiatives/asap/about/> learning community.
  *   A final planning grant report and recommendation will be drafted over the coming weeks and shared with IC, WSSSC, and WACTC during the fall term by participating college leaders.
  *   Prior to the final report, all WA Colleges are invited to attend a student panel and learn more:
     *   Thursday, May 23, 2024, 11:00-12:00pm PST. Centering Students: #CollegeCompletionASAP Success Stories
     *   Panel Description: Hear from recent grads about the human impact of CUNY ASAP and two replication programs, WV Ascend and CA's Promise Scholars Program (PSP).
        *   SHEEO|ASAP learning community teams are asked to invite community college leaders and other stakeholders who may want to hear more about the human impact of ASAP as your team considers scaling the model in your state. Recently graduated students will share their stories and be available for brief questions through 2:30pm. Then, state teams and their guests will be placed into breakout rooms to further discuss the promise of ASAP replication as a concrete, proven strategy to increase completion rates.
        *   Register to learn more at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckcOGqrDouH9OKHrFYZtima4nfCFzQpwDr#/registration.

CUNY ASAP provided a 4/22/24 funder forum webinar recording that is available at https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/D0SSIj4Y7Ak8phnU9lubYdZU1d2x2h1o9r5RFHyV2oy1YI7GdPT5vMDMS3flTRfi.lqpJ37VZQEs8LiXO (use passcode: qhr+32LB). Find the PowerPoint from that webinar here<https://sheeo.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/4.22.24_SHEEO_ASAP_Funder_Forum.pdf>. I continue to hear from funders that are interested in national scaling of ASAP replication and have already made several referrals for funders interested in states' work in the learning community. Please be in touch if I can support your funding pursuits as your project continues to take shape.

College Housing Study Proviso

  *   A study on low-income student housing opportunities on community and technical college campuses to help address the housing shortage. The study shall include an analysis of the rental housing market serving each of the 34-college campus; each college's need for low0income studen2t housing; the estimated capital and ongoing costs to operate and maintain low-income student housing; and the impact on the local market rental housing supply should new low-income housing be constructed on a community or technical college campus for students.
  *   SBCTC Laura Coghlan, SSEH, will be leading this work with an advisory group over the coming year.

Vector Solutions (previously Get Inclusive) Contact Renewal (WSSSC Reps: Brendan & Connan)

  *   HRMC, BAC, DEOC, WSSSC, are all coordinating for the contract renewal.
  *   WIPHE contract expiration 9/7/2024, new contract anticipated to be renewed through 9/2026
     *   Availability of suite of training includes unlimited access to all student and employee courses:
        *   Faculty/Staff Catalog<https://www.vectorsolutions.com/resources/course-catalogs/higher-education-faculty-staff-course-catalog/>
        *   Student Courses:<https://www.vectorsolutions.com/solutions/vector-lms/higher-education/student/>
  *   Assurance of Title IX update July 1, 2024
  *   Poll: on use and additional customization contracts?

AAG Bruce Marvin Title IX WSSSC Presentation
WSSSC Title IX and rules-only PowerPoint attached.
Training Invitation: Title IX webinars  (June, July, September) schedule attached.

AAG Presentation on Preparing for Student Protests and the First Amendment, 6/3/2024, 2:00-3:00pm
Safety, Security, and Emergency Management Council (SSEM) will host a AAG led webinar on Preparing for Student Protest and have invited WSSSC. Presented by:  Juliana deHaan Rice, Assistant Attorney General Please register by email to rvernola at whatcom.edu<mailto:rvernola at whatcom.edu> before May 30. Registration information requested: Name, Position Title, Institution, and email address.

2024-2025 WSSSC Dates
Calendar invitations have been sent for the following dates:

  *   Fall: 10/10-10/11
  *   Winter: 2/6-2/7
  *   Spring: 5/8-5/9
Lauren Hibbs, Ed.D
Director, Student Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
lhibbs at sbctc.edu* o: 360-704-4334 *
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision:

"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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