[Wsssc] Student Service Update 5/10/2024

Lauren Hibbs lhibbs at sbctc.edu
Fri May 10 07:47:17 PDT 2024

SBCTC Education Division Common Messaging Document: The spring 2024 SBCTC Education division update provides an overview of all areas.

Spring Commission Agenda: Attached includes the spring agenda Claire shared out last week. We will meeting in the TransAlta Commons Building, room 105B, located at 615 W. Pear St., Centralia or via zoom<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83441402798?pwd=YkdzdDB1dncvZ0tKd0FxYjdDWm9wUT09&from=addon>.   Dinner on Wednesday night will be at 6:30pm and is open to all members. We will dine at Bistro & Bar - Riverside Golf Club<https://playriversidegolf.com/food-drinks/>, 1451 NW Airport Way, Chehalis, WA.
NWAC Pre-Commission Meeting: A friendly reminder that participating NWAC schools are meeting Wednesday, May 15, at 1pm, at Centralia College, in Transalta Commons (TAC) 105B.

FAFSA Updates: ISIRS: SBCTC completed our testing of the ISIRs in PCD. FA Directors may begin loading ISIRs into PCD on Thursday, May 9. Additional information has been provided to their listserve. I've also attached the FAQ Technical document from ED<https://fsapartners.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2024-03/TechnicalFAQandKnownIssues.pdf> that we would strongly advise you read and take note of outstanding issues, in tandem with our Contingency document, while you embark on file review and awarding. The FAQ document is a really good resource to have at the ready moving forward.
Dashboard: WSAC is pleased to announce that a beta version of our updated public-facing FAFSA completion dashboard<https://rw2yhkq5.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwsac.wa.gov%2Ffafsa-completion%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=WSAC/1/0101018f5a4a0de0-f4163eb1-73c4-4284-964a-aacdca67916e-000000/A2Bwjj-sJe1fqFT6DkKybrq3K_8=374> is now online. New views are available for you to track and understand FAFSA completion data at the aggregate level. School staff can track student-level data in WSAC's FAFSA portal<https://rw2yhkq5.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fportal.wsac.wa.gov%2F%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=WSAC/1/0101018f5a4a0de0-f4163eb1-73c4-4284-964a-aacdca67916e-000000/N2maXmX9MkP3-7LVCIcwaIMAH6U=374>. The portal can help identify gaps and students needing additional support. To gain access, please email fafsa at wsac.wa.gov<mailto:fafsa at wsac.wa.gov>.

5/15/24 VP Orientation - Accreditation: The upcoming new VP orientation is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th, 8:00-9:30a.m. We will be in our WSSSC commission meeting therefore we have asked for the session to be recorded.  Dr. Ed Harri, Senior Vice President at the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), and Joyce Hammer will be presenting a session on accreditation. Please email directly to Roma Bert with any questions/topics you would like us to address during the session. You and your college will remain anonymous. The session will include topics that include but are not limited to: (a) major issues facing colleges during accreditation visits (i.e. Mid-cycle/EIE) and how to prepare for a visit, (b) effectively meeting the 2020 NWCCU standards<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nwccu.org_standards_&d=DwMFAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=GS8SvZ-xnAxDiXmqvLabPclXNI4bZORLubR4CcqsNo4&m=nkNEBuMTDV4p4siy0xxuVMe_rsi6YslvdCUgusDKfSMkniInaLEeFJEVe648dGmF&s=TuEDJFqGwlw6-DFL48hwg6m8l1ekjncbIgeNTnPX4sI&e=> at your institution and creating a culture of continuous improvement, (c) addressing questions from those of you participating on a peer-evaluation team or interested in doing so, and (d) discussing other topics that come to mind.

SBCTC Student Aid Funding Guide: The SBCTC BEdA Team is pleased to announce the latest update of the Student Aid Funding Guide<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/programs-services/basic-education-for-adults/funding-guide-5.1.24-website.pdf>! The SBCTC Student Aid Funding Guide (attached) is a cross-department and inter-agency collaboration originally borne of the governor-appointed AEAC (Adult Education Advisory Council), and this document is meant to be a one-stop resource for comprehensive funding options for students. With this year's update, the SBCTC Student Aid Funding Guide is available for reference on the SBCTC BEdA website<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/basic-education-for-adults/beda-handbook/beda-biennial-conference> under the Provider Resources section for ease of access. We hope you'll share this resource widely with colleagues and that it enhances your service to students. Please direct questions about the SBCTC Student Aid Funding Guide to korellana at sbctc.edu<mailto:korellana at sbctc.edu>.

Update on Running Start and tuition determination

  1.  The existing RS student groups (SRSR and SRSL) have had some items modified in how they look at tuition. Please see below for details.
  2.  This adjustment makes it so no additional things need to be done by the colleges to make this "fix" take place.
  3.  As a reminder - this does not update or change the student's residency status. Colleges may continue processes they have in place to make an official residency determination either while the student is a current RS student or after RS enrollment ends. Students who do not have an effective RS student group will not see the resident tuition charges and will revert back to whatever their residency status is.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Jamie Traugott before or during the commission meeting if you have any questions. More details to come in the 2024-25 legislative year as we look toward a permanent determination.

Title IX: AAG Bruce Marvin will be joining us at the commission meeting to provide a Title IX update and guidance on a model policy. Bruce has shared he is planning to focus the presentation on Title IX.  Meeting the August 1, 2024 deadline for adopting new Title IX compliant student conduct codes will require emergency rule making, so he can address those issues to some degree.  The DOE will be issuing a new rule dealing with trans athletes and Title IX at some point in the future. He will not be able to address that issue at next week's meeting.

In the meantime regarding the new Title IX rules, here's a link to a recording of the American Council on Education's April 29, 2024 webinar<https://www.acenet.edu/Events/Pages/2024-Changes-Title-IX.aspx>. Scroll to 6:00 to learn about "sex-based harassment" and changes in the scope of the "programs and activities" that fall under title IX now. There's a brief reference to Clery reporting. The transcript is also helpful. The Clery Center is also holding a May 22 webinar on Clery and the new Title IX rules<https://www.clerycenter.org/index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalrepeat.detail&evid=79&Itemid=115&year=2024&month=05&day=22&title=policy-synergy-title-ix-a-the-clery-act-virtual-training&uid=635621a727256e46564e0e1e41a478fd>.

Vector Solution Contract Renewal Update: Reps from WSSSC, HRMC, and SBCTC met this week to discuss the Vector Solutions contract renewal through Western Washington University's WIPHE contract. Some schools are facing challenges accessing the full platform, while others are opting for separate contracts to customize modules. With our contract expiring in September 2024, State Board reps are inquiring about full access for all of our colleges and clarity on additional contracts. Stay tuned for more updates and a poll on colleges experiences with Vector at our upcoming commission meeting.

SBCTC-BFET Annual Site-Visit: I'm thrilled to report the Student Support team and fiscal, including Jennifer, Sheila, Rebecca, and Denise, just wrapped up the annual BFET fiscal and program monitoring with DSHS with flying colors! These ladies absolutely knocked it out of the park, ensuring SBCTC and our colleges were represented with the utmost fidelity. A HUGE thank you to all the college staff who do incredible work to support students. We look forward to seeing many of these campus leaders at next week's BFET and Workfirst Forum.

Happy Mother's Day to all those mama's out there! Looking forward to seeing you next week!

Lauren Hibbs, Ed.D
Director, Student Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
lhibbs at sbctc.edu* o: 360-704-4334 *
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision:

"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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