[Wsssc] Mentor Program

Robert Cox robert.cox at centralia.edu
Thu Jul 25 11:32:34 PDT 2024

Good morning!
It is that time of year to connect the new VP's through the mentor program with one of us who have been around the state a while. Steve Ashpole, WSSSC Executive Board Member at Large, has graciously agreed to manage the program this year. He will be reaching out in the next few weeks to identify who is interested in being a mentor. If you are interested, feel free to preemptively email him.

For those of you who are new, Steve will reach out to you to make sure you want to participate in the program. Participation isn't required but I think it is a great program and hope you will consider participating! I have attached the mentor program document to this email so you can check out the logistics of the program.

As per our work plan, I will send an email out to the VP's who are part of the mentor program seeking their feedback about things that went well and should be changed. Look at us, checking off workplan items.......

I hope your summer is going well and I look forward to seeing everyone soon! As always, call or email if any of you need anything from me!

In service,

[Icon  Description automatically generated]
Robert Cox
Vice President | Student Services
robert.cox at centralia.edu<mailto:robert.cox at centralia.edu> | O: 360-623-8385 C: 360-688-3827
Student Services Office: TAC 210
600 Centralia College Blvd. Centralia, WA 98531
www.centralia.edu<http://www.centralia.edu/> | 360-736-9391

My work hours might not be the same as yours. If you receive this email outside of your work hours, please note that it is not sent with an expectation that you are reading or responding outside of your work hours. Thanks for your understanding!

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