[Wsssc] [EXTERNAL] follow up from this morning's meeting

Robert Cox robert.cox at centralia.edu
Thu Jul 18 15:44:52 PDT 2024

Jamie can add it to our list of questions but I am almost certain that in the first PowerPoint Bruce gave us he said that none of this applies to athletics participation and that the athletic issue would be addressed later. 


Robert Cox
Vice President | Student Services
robert.cox at centralia.edu | O: 360-623-8385 C: 360-688-3827
Student Services Office: TAC 210
600 Centralia College Blvd. Centralia, WA 98531

www.centralia.edu | 360-736-9391

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-----Original Message-----
From: Orchard, Sue <sorchard at lcc.ctc.edu> 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 2:39 PM
To: Robert Cox <robert.cox at centralia.edu>; WSSSC Listserv <wsssc at lists.ctc.edu>
Cc: Gilmore English, Jessica <jgilmoreenglish at rtc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Wsssc] [EXTERNAL] follow up from this morning's meeting


Another follow up question.

The TIX Disciplinary procedure states, “preventing a person from participating in an educational program or activity consistent with with their gender identity constitutes more than de minimis harm and is prohibited.”

The model code says, “Conduct that prevents an individual from participating in an education program or activity consistent with the person’s gender identity subjects and person to more than de minimis harm on the basis of sex.

Does anyone know how this impacts athletics? Does NWAC have rules that clarify this?


Sue Orchard, Psy.D.
Vice President of Student Services
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Lower Columbia College
She/her/hers pronouns

On Jul 18, 2024, at 12:14 PM, Robert Cox via wsssc <wsssc at lists.ctc.edu> wrote:

Not sure anything earth shattering came after you left. Main message was work with your own AAG. If you have done that you will be just fine.

I am replacing the entire code too. I called the code reviser and they were very helpful.

Call if you need anything. I’m not an expert but am willing to help if I can.


From: wsssc <wsssc-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Gilmore English, Jessica via wsssc
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 10:42 AM
To: 'wsssc at lists.ctc.edu' <wsssc at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL][Wsssc] follow up from this morning's meeting

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Hi WSSSC. I had to leave just before 9am this morning. Were there any additional items of import you can all share? I’m feeling a big crunch, as our BOT special meeting for emergency rule adoption is on Tuesday.

We decided to revise our whole code last week after the Wednesday meeting, since there was no separate supplemental language provided at the time. I’m not walking that back because we’ve already worked with OTS for the revisions in proper format, etc. plus timing of our Board meeting.

I’m curious what others are doing but missed it if you all had a share out.

Anyhow, if there is something pressing of note, please feel free to email me directly.


Jessica Gilmore English
Vice President of Student Services

jgilmoreenglish at rtc.edu<mailto:jgilmoreenglish at rtc.edu> | rtc.edu<https://twitter.com/rentontech>
Pronouns: she, her, hers

3000 NE 4thSt., Renton WA 98056
Students Succeed at RTC.

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