[Wsssc] FW: Sample expressive activities policy + webinar slide deck

Jamie Traugott jtraugott at sbctc.edu
Wed Jul 10 12:53:38 PDT 2024


[cid:image003.jpg at 01DAD2C8.2CF1FEC0]Jamie Traugott
Director of Student Services and K12 Alignment
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
jtraugott at sbctc.edu<mailto:jtraugott at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-3929
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/> *
LinkedIn: @washington-state-board-for-community-and-technical-colleges<https://www.linkedin.com/company/washington-state-board-for-community-and-technical-colleges>

From: Laura McDowell <lmcdowell at sbctc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:30 PM
Subject: Sample expressive activities policy + webinar slide deck

Hello everyone. You have received this email because you attended the June 3 webinar by Juliana Rice and Jennifer Marion of the AG's Office on preparing for campus unrest and the First Amendment. With the speakers' approval, I'm attaching three resources provided by the AG's Office.

  *   The slide deck from the June 3 webinar.
  *   A model expressive activities code (last updated in 2020).
  *   A list of common student code provisions.
It might also be helpful to create a "freedom of expression" web page where people can see all college policies related to activism on campus. Below are a few examples.

     *   University of Washington<https://www.washington.edu/freespeech/#:~:text=Student%20speech,law%20and%20student%20conduct%20code.>
     *   Washington State University<https://wsu.edu/pullman-chancellor/free-speech/#:~:text=WSU%20is%20dedicated%20to%20fostering,all%20forms%20of%20hateful%20speech.>
     *   Western Washington University <https://timeplacemanner.wwu.edu/>  (Note this language, "While the University will not suppress constitutionally protected speech, it may choose to make its own statements or invite different viewpoints when facing speech that runs counter to Western's commitment to accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion.")
     *   University of Pittsburgh<https://studentservices.highline.edu/student-conduct/rights-and-responsibilities/>
     *   University of Tennessee<https://freespeech.utk.edu/permissible-and-impermissible-activities/>
     *   West Virginia University<https://generalcounsel.wvu.edu/the-first-amendment>
     *   University of Nevada, Reno<https://www.unr.edu/student-expression/first-amendment>
     *   University of Central Florida<https://osi.ucf.edu/agencies/use-your-voice/>
     *   Tufts<https://students.tufts.edu/dean-students-office/help-support/free-expression-tufts>
     *   University of California Riverside<https://freespeech.ucr.edu/>
     *   North Carolina State University<https://www.ncsu.edu/free-speech/>
     *   McMaster University<https://president.mcmaster.ca/freedom-of-expression/>
Please remember to contact your college's assigned AAG if you have any questions or need advice on campus policies.
Many thanks to Rocky Vernola, immediate past chair of the Safety, Security, and Emergency Management Council, for organizing the June 3 webinar, and to speakers Juliana Rice and Jennifer Marion of the AG's Office.
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone else at your college who might be interested.
[Compass]Laura McDowell
Director of Communications
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
lmcdowell at sbctc.edu<mailto:lmcdowell at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-4310 * f: 360-704-4415 * c: 360-280-0670
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

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