[Wsssc] FW: WSSSC 2022-23 officer slate

Orchard, Sue sorchard at lcc.ctc.edu
Mon Mar 28 10:29:21 PDT 2022

Hello WSSSCers!

It's that time of the year - time to prepare the 2022-23 WSSSC officer slate. The president and past president positions were elected last year, as per our bylaws. We have three open positions: President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. We will vote on the slate at the May 5 meeting.

Past President - Chio Flores
President - Luca Lewis
President Elect - open
Treasurer - open
Secretary - open

The President Elect serves a three year term - moving from president elect, to president, to past president. Treasurer serves a two year term and sits on the WAC Operating Budget Committee (OBC). The secretary is voted in annually. Erin Blakeney is graciously willing to serve again but if someone is interested in serving in this role, please put your name forward.

Appointments to the at-large and WACTC committees will be made by the president once officers are elected in order to assure broad diversity on the executive team.

If you are interested in pursuing one of these leadership roles or have questions about the duties, benefits, and secret handshake, please email me by April 15. Details are also available in the WSSSC Constitution<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/commissions-councils/wsssc/wsssc_constitution.docx> (link downloads as a Word document).

Please note: your level of experience or seniority are absolutely not requirements for these roles. Whatever you bring is what's needed!


Sue Orchard, PsyD
Vice President of Student Services
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Lower Columbia College
sorchard at lowercolumbia.edu<mailto:sorchard at lowercolumbia.edu>
She/her/hers pronouns

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