[Wsssc] [UCE] FW: FY23 WorkFirst Delivery Agreement Grant Release

Joe Holliday jholliday at sbctc.edu
Thu Feb 10 07:47:03 PST 2022

Good morning, WSSSC. See below, the FY 23 WorkFirst Delivery Agreement Grants.

From: Jennifer Dellinger
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 6:10 PM
To: vtc at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:vtc at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: FY23 WorkFirst Delivery Agreement Grant Release
Importance: High

Hello All,

Please see the below announcement of the FY23 WorkFirst Delivery Agreement Grant Release.


[Compass]Jennifer Dellinger
Student Support Programs Policy Associate, Student Services
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Email: jdellinger at sbctc.edu<mailto:jdellinger at sbctc.edu> ∙ Office: 360.704.4339

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Please read this email thoroughly prior to beginning your grant application.
The WorkFirst Delivery Agreement (WFDA) grant application will be released on 2/10/22 in the Online Grant Management System<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/> (OGMS). Please see your campus OGMS security contact for access to the FY23 application. Your OGMS security contact<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/SecurityContacts.aspx> must give you access to each grant application, each year. When you log into OGMS, be sure to navigate to the FY23 screen to find the correct application.

This year's grant application includes:

·       2022-23 WFDA Plan Guidelines<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/2022-23WFDA/fy23-wfda-grant-guidelines.pdf>

·       2022-23 WFDA Fiscal Guidelines and Grant Terms<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/2022-23WFDA/fy23-wfda-fiscal-guidelines.pdf>

·       2022-23 WFDA Planning Numbers<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/2022-23WFDA/fy23-wfda-planning-numbers.pdf>

·       2022-23 WFDA Matrices

·       WorkFirst Weekly Attendance Form - Minimum Requirements<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/2022-23WFDA/fy23-minimum-reqs-workfirst-attendance-form.pdf>

·       2022-23 WFDA Assurances<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/2022-23WFDA/fy23-wfda-assurances.pdf>

Important Information:

·       Be sure to read all instructions and requirements prior to starting your application

·       Student Support Funds in included in the WFDA application

o   Student Support Funds continue to be earmarked and are available to support student's needs while participating in the WorkFirst Program

o   College's planning numbers for Student Support Funds are included in the Planning Numbers document

You must upload the following item(s) with your grant application:

·       2022-23 WFDA Matrices

·       2022-23 WFDA Assurances

·       Alternate Attendance Forms (If you intend to use one for FY23)

o   Alternate attendance form require SBCTC approval

o   If you do not upload an alternate attendance form, it will be assumed you are using the DSHS approve attendance form

WorkFirst Take Back Policy
We understand the continued effects of the pandemic are impacting normal operations, enrollments, and college's ability to fully expend program funds. After careful consideration to the impact the implementation of the Take Back Policy would have on programs and students, the SBCTC will continue the delay of implementation for FY23. We intend to resume the Take Back Policy in FY24. We are committed to providing support to CTC's WorkFirst program administrators during the delayed implementation of the Take Back Policy. WorkFirst staff are available to provide support with budget management and expenditure planning. If you need support, please contact: Deana A. Rader, Program Administrator / 360-704-1837 / drader at sbctc.edu<mailto:drader at sbctc.edu>.

The SBCTC will confirm the decision to delay implementation of the Take Back Policy for FY23 by sending correspondence to college Presidents and Chancellors in August 2022. All grant amounts will reflect the WorkFirst funding formula. For more information about the funding formula, redistribution and Take Back Policy, please access the Program Funding section of the FY23 WFDA guidelines.

Important Grant Dates
2/10/2022 - Grant Application Available
2/11/2022 - FY23 WFDA Grant Release Webinar (registration link<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odO2trDgtH90qPUUFpkyrS7fChRqOPsgd>)
3/24/2022 - Grant applications due no later than 11:55 pm*
7/1/2022 - Grant Start Date
6/30/2023 - Grant End Date
*SBCTC staff are only available to assist until 4:00 pm
If you have questions regarding WorkFirst, please contact: Deana Rader, Program Administrator (WorkFirst), 360-704-1837, drader at sbctc.edu<mailto:drader at sbctc.edu>

If you have questions regarding OGMS please contact your organization's OGMS Security Administrator<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/SecurityContacts.aspx> or consult the OGMS User Manual<https://ogms.sbctc.edu/docs/OGMS_UserManual.pdf>. If you still have questions about OGMS, please contact: Kari Kauffman, Program Coordinator, 360-704-1021, kkauffman at sbctc.edu<mailto:kkauffman at sbctc.edu>

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