[Wsssc] FW: IMPORTANT UPDATES: FY 23 and future allocations of funds for 5194

Joe Holliday jholliday at sbctc.edu
Tue Feb 1 10:22:08 PST 2022

WSSSC: see below for an update on funding to implement DEI Strategic Plans per Senate Bill 5194 last Session. Joe

From: Cherie Berthon
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 3:12 PM
To: bac at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:bac at lists.ctc.edu>
Cc: Ha Nguyen <hnguyen at sbctc.edu<mailto:hnguyen at sbctc.edu>>; Susan Wanager <swanager at sbctc.edu<mailto:swanager at sbctc.edu>>; Choi Halladay <challaday at sbctc.edu<mailto:challaday at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: FY 23 and future allocations of funds for 5194

Hello Colleagues,

As you know, last year the Legislature passed E2SSB 5194, a complex bill with equity, diversity and inclusion assignments, among others.  One aspect of the appropriation for E2SSB 5194 was unusual. The $125,000 per college for EDI strategic planning was provided every other year, because the plans are due every two years.  For obvious reasons, this is problematic for colleges.  This email outlines SBCTC plans to provide more predictability and consistency for these funds:

*         In FY 23 (begins July 1, 2022), colleges will be able to carry over the unspent balance of the $125,000 allocated this year.  The Operating Budget Office will work with colleges on this one-time reallocation.

*         Then in FY 24 (July 1, 2023), colleges will begin receiving an annual allocation of $62,500 every year (50% of $125,000). This will continue for the foreseeable future assuming the Legislature does not make a policy change.

*        Note, the opportunity to roll over unspent strategic planning dollars from this year to next, will only happen one time. The future allocations of $62,600, beginning in FY 24, will be one-year allocations like all other state allocations, meaning they will lapse at the end of each year.

E2SSB 5194 also provided funds for student outreach in the amount of $70,000 per college.  That amount will continue to be allocated every year and any unspent funds will lapse at the end of the fiscal year.

We hope this will help colleges plan for future staffing needs.  Please follow up with me or Choi Halladay, copied here, if you have questions.


Cherie Berthon

[Compass]Cherie Berthon

Operating Budget Director

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

cberthon at sbctc.edu<mailto:cberthon at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-1023 * f: 360-704-4415 * c: 360-339-2888

SBCTC Vision:  Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities. Adopted June 27, 2019.

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